The "Allies of the Preservation of the Vigilantes"

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Title: The "Allies of the Preservation of the Vigilantes" Make Their First Move. It does not End Well.


"I can't believe we've only got one month left..." Dick said, hands behind his head as he and Babs stared at their family, who were all in various sleeping positions around the room. "And then it's all over, and we go back."

"I know. It's crazy to think about." Babs stretched, cracking her knuckles and elbows as she did so, letting out a pleased sigh. She glanced over at her boyfriend, who was smiling softly at the way Sage was curled against Tim's neck, both sleeping soundly.

"Will you miss it?" She asked.

Dick tilted his head back in thought, taking time to really consider before answering. "I dunno. Hogwarts is nice, and so are some of the students, but..."

"Gotham is home." Babs finished. Dick nodded. Because, despite every piece of hell they'd gone through because of Gotham, none of them could even imagine leaving.

They sat in silence for a few more moments, just basking in the peaceful stillness. Then, they settled down to go to sleep.

Everyone slept soundly that night, the terrors of their dreams scared away by the presence of their love for one another.


"Tim!" Blaise exclaimed two weeks later, racing after his friend, who seemed to be on a mission to get somewhere as quickly as possible. Tim didn't seem to hear (or maybe he's just ignoring him, which would be rude.) and just continued on, picking up the pace. "Timmy! Timbot!"

Tim continued running, turning down a corridor that Blaise had never been down before.

"TIMOTHY DRAKE WAYNE STOP RUNNING YOU ARSE!!!" There's no way he could ignore that.

Tim froze, hands on the handle of a door that led to... somewhere over the rainbow or something. Wow Blaise really needs to look into the school blueprints.

"Hey, Blaise. What's up?" Tim asked with an awkward chuckle, foot tapping repetitively against the concrete floor.

Blaise put his hands on his knees, bending over to huff for breath dramatically, he put one finger up in a hold on motion, making Tim snicker.

"Where are you going?" Blaise asked, once his breathing was relatively normal again.

Tim blinked in confusion, eyebrows furrowing. "That's what you wanted to ask me?"

Blaise shrugged. "I'm bored, so I decided to go around asking people where they were headed to." He pulled a paper from one of his pockets, showing Tim the data he'd collected thus far. "Most students, particularly those of 5th and 7th year, are going to the Library to study."

"Huh." Tim said, not sure how to respond. "Well put me down for the kitchens I guess."

Blaise smirked, a glint in his eyes as he pulled out a quill and added a tally mark.

Tim quirked an eyebrow as his friend let out an evil sounding giggle before slinking away into the shadows.

"Well that was strange." Tim whispered under his breath, watching as Blaise dove behind a statue to make it seem as though he'd disappeared into thin air, only to let out a few curses when he stumbled over the leg of said statue and face planted into a wall.

Yeah. Tim is not messing with whatever the hell that was. Not today.


"Quill to APV, do you copy?" Blaise asked, putting his finger to his ear.

"You don't have to do that, you know." Theo answered, "This isn't James Bond."

Blaise gasped dramatically. "Was that a pop-culture reference I heard?"

"Perish the thought." Theo droned.

"What did you find out, Quill?" Luna's angelic voice asked.

"Mission: success." Blaise answered. "Tim is going to the kitchens."

"Umm, negative, Quill, sorry." Fred spoke up. "Fox just saw him heading up to the RR."

" What? " he shouted out, startling a cat that was on the hunt for rats. Blaise stuck his tongue out at the feline, making him hiss. "He lied to me? How dare he? The audacity! I will ne-"

"Blaise." Theo said. "Enough with the dramatics. Hound is following him from a distance."

Blaise froze. "Code names, Theo! They're there for a reason!"

Theo responded with silence, but Blaise could practically see the sarcastic expression on his friend's face.

"Code red!" Fred exclaimed suddenly, heavily panting across the connection. "Fox and I have been found out! Code r-"

He went silent.

"Fox? Hound?" Blaise whispered with baited breath.

"Wrong." a voice answered. But it didn't sound as if it had come from the connection.

Blaise turned just in time to see his attacker when he got hit. Then, it went dark. 


Blaise is Quill

Theo is Biscuit

Fred is Hound

George is Fox

Luna is Dove

I regret nothing.

Also, guys. I'm pretty sure this is almost done?

I can't even imagine it, but we're so close to the end! I reckon a few more chapters and the story is over... Crazy to even think about it.

I'm gonna say this story is a tentative 35 chapters long. We'll see how it goes............

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