Swim Little Fish, Swim

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Title: Swim Little Fish, Swim

The second task was upon them much sooner than any of them expected. Time sure does fly when you're stressed as fuck and have no clue what to do about someone sneaking into what was supposed to be the most protected wizarding building in all of the magical lands. (Steph wasn't sure who exactly thought that was true, seeing as in the last 4 years, multiple people have been able to infiltrate the castle & attack its students, not to mention the first time the Chamber of Secrets was opened. Honestly, the history book authors were such liars and she doesn't want to know how much they were paid to lie about the safety of the castle.)


Steph was currently looking for Tim, Jason, & Damian, who seemed to have disappeared into thin air, which really wasn't all that surprising. Those three loved to meddle where they really shouldn't when they were by themselves. Put them together and you definitely had an uncontrollable team of teens with little to no preservation skills. And finding secret passageways in Hogwarts was right up their alley.

She doesn't get paid enough for this.


Tim was in a dark hallway, using his wand to light the path in front of him, and illuminate the map in Jason's hands.

"Okay, it says that it opens up in front of us." Jason whispered, peering down at the map with squinted eyes. "Damn, I need glasses."

Damian tt'd from behind him, rolling his eyes. "Nonsense, Todd. You are not a cat, nor a bat. Humans were not made to see in the dark. You are fine... Idiot."

Tim snickered at Jason's indignant huff, smiling softly at Damian's... weird way of complimenting their older brother.

Tim narrowed his eyes as he saw the dead end in front of him. "Either the map is wrong..."

"Or there's a false door." Jason finished, reaching out a hand to knock against the stone.

Damian sighed, shoving his older brothers aside, and crouching, running his fingers across the seam. "Turn off the light."

Tim did so, plunging them into darkness.

Well, darkness with a small, almost unnoticeable if you weren't a bat stream of light coming from the bottom of the wall.

"Bingpot." Tim whispered, as Damian dug his fingers under the slit to slowly open the doorway.

They were sent into stunned silence.

"Huh." Jason finally whispered.

They stepped out of the tree and into the surrounding forest. They had found themselves deep in the Forbidden Forest.

"Well." Jason said, breaking the silence. "That's not good."

Tim sighed. "Nope. Definitely not."


That evening, all of them were sharing plans in their secret language, confusing everyone around them but not caring one bit.

That's just how they do things, I guess.

Dick whispered that he already had a plan for tomorrow that would definitely work (he was very confident) and Jason told the rest of them about the passageway that they would need to put sensors in, that would warn them when someone entered or left.

Tim and Barbara had told everyone that they were working on camera prototypes that were supposed to work even though they were surrounded by magic, and that this would be the perfect way to test and see if they work.

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