Brotherly Bonding and the Start of a War

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Title: Brotherly Bonding and the Start of a War

Damian tried to keep himself from fidgeting. He knew that any minute from now, the plan would begin, and the war would start.

And Wayne's never start a war without ending it as well.

Cass was the one to put the plan into action, doing her part of it late last night while everyone else slept. It was truly luck that caused Drake to fall asleep the night before. If not, doing this would've been much more difficult.

Totally luck. Damian definitely didn't drug his drink.

Damian glared when Drake looked at him suspiciously. He knew that if his youngest older brother found out about the plan too early, he would most certainly try and stop them, either that or think it's a joke. The teen can't seem to get it into his head that they love and care for him.

Damian knew that was partially his fault. He shudders to think what would have happened if his siblings hadn't started TPS. He had been reluctant to join, but upon learning and seeing what Drake was really like, what he thought about himself, Damian couldn't help but agree with his siblings. Timothy Drake-Wayne needs to know he's loved and he needs to stop apologizing every time someone does something to wrong him.

And if Damian had to be the one to do it, well, let bygones be bygones.

Damian took a bite of his fruit salad, face thoughtful.

A nudge to his foot made him look up to see Drake looking at him in... Concern, maybe? Why would Drake be concerned about him?

"Are you okay, brat?" he asked, the nickname not changing the tone of love and concern in his voice.

Okay, his siblings definitely have a point. Drake cares for him and all of them too much and himself too little. How should he respond? Being mean will make Drake feel bad, being nice will make him even more suspicious.

"I... Am completely fine." Damian said, trying to keep his hesitance out of his voice. "I was just wondering what we will be doing today."

There. Answer his question, change the subject.

Grayson grinned as he spoke up, snickering gleefully. "We're going to go to Hogsmeade today." he whispered excitedly, causing Damian to deflate slightly. He wasn't allowed to go to Hogsmeade yet.

Drake and Cass seemed to be the only two to notice this, as they glanced at each other and nodded.

"I uh, actually can't go today. I... I'm helping some teachers out today." Drake said. Grayson frowned a little, but quickly lit up, smiling happily.

"That's okay, Baby bird! We'll bring you back some candy." Grayson turned toward Damian. "What about you, Little D? Do you want to come?"

Did... Did Grayson not know that only 3rd years and above were allowed to go?

Damian bit his cheek, looking at his brother oddly. "Tt. No, Grayson. I would like to visit the animals around the grounds. You will have to do with the company of Cassandra and Todd."

Grayson nodded. "Alright then. It can be an older sibling's day today!"

He never was one to not look on the bright side. One of the reasons Grayson was probably in Hufflepuff.

Just then, the Great Hall doors were thrown open.

𝐀𝐧𝐝 𝐬𝐨 𝐢𝐭 𝐛𝐞𝐠𝐢𝐧𝐬. Damian thought wryly.

Malfoy and his junta stood there, each with equally menacing expressions on their faces.

Well, menacing for most. For the Wayne's, it looked like they had really bad gas. Compared to what they've seen, these five are nothing.

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