How Dare She

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Title: How Dare She


Written by Rita Skeeter, 11-11-1994

The Triwizard Tournament has been the talk of the Wizarding community since it was announced months ago, and now we're finally getting an insider's view of what it's like for the children competing. We've already covered Fleur Delacour and Victor Krum, and now it's Richard Grayson's turn.

Richard Grayson (often called Dick, by friends and family) is quite a bright young man. The oldest of Wayne's children -both adopted & biological- Richard is often looked at as the leader of the group. He can often be seen with his siblings, being a bright light to their darkness. Most agree that Grayson is the happy one in the Wayne family, especially when compared to Jason Todd -the rebel-, Cassandra Wayne -the quiet-, Timothy Drake -the genius-, and Damian Wayne -the blood child. But is this optimistic ball of energy hiding an angry side?

During my excursions into the Hogwarts School of Witchcraft & Wizardry, I've talked to quite a few students and staff about their school and its occupants. Once such a student (who has asked to remain anonymous) states that, "Dick stormed into our DADA class with Professor Moody one day and dragged Jason and Cass out, absolutely fuming. It was terrifying!" The poor child went on to say, "We didn't see any of them for the rest of the day, and the next day, they were all very pale looking, and didn't talk to anyone."

Another student, Draco Malfoy, said, "Drake and Todd were verbally abusing each other a few weeks ago. Keep taunting each other with quotes from books and movies."

So, my question is, are these occasions simply coincidence, or is there something more sinister going on behind the scenes?

I made it my mission to find answers, and did so by interviewing the man himself, Richard.

The following is what was said during our discussion. The italics are myself talking, and the bold is Grayson:

"Good morning, Mr. Grayson, I hope to find you well?"

"Oh, I'm very well, and please call me Dick."

"Very well, Dick. Is it alright if I record our discussion?"

"Of course."

"Then let's begin. Q1: Why exactly did you put your name in the Goblet of Fire?"

"Well, I've always been one for adventure. I was part of the circus almost wow, almost 10 years ago. I've always enjoyed taking risks and things like that, so I thought the Tournament would be a great way to do that again."

"You mentioned you were a part of the circus. What did you do?"

"I was a trapeze artist and an acrobat. My parents and I were the Flying Grayson's. It was a lot of fun. The circus is like one big family. Everyone knows you and you know everyone. I couldn't ask for a better childhood."

"On the topic of your childhood, what was life like living with Bruce Wayne?"

"... It was... Hard. At first. I'd just lost my parents. The life I'd known all my life. I was thrown into a whole new world, and I wasn't sure how to walk it. But. Bruce helped me. Protected me. And after we got Damian, and Jason, and Cass, and Tim, it was so full of life. I'm grateful that Bruce took me in. I... I couldn't ask for a better dad."

"And would you say it's been hard to spend time with your father, with all of your siblings also vying for his attention."

"Um. No? Bruce loves all of us, and he spends time with us all the time."

"Ah. But does he focus on one more than the other? Is his favoritism causing strife among you and your siblings?"

"No. I'll admit, we do argue sometimes, but we're siblings. That's what we do. It's definitely not because Bruce doesn't give us enough attention."

"Hmm. So why were you so mad with your siblings a few weeks ago? I have sources saying you were bright red with anger."

"I'm not sure I know what you're talking about."

"Let me see if I can reignite your memory. You stormed into Cass and Jason's class and dragged them out. Does that ring a bell?"

"Oh. Yeah, I remember that."

"Mind telling me what you were so angry about?"

"That's private."

"Could it, perhaps, be because your father is supposed to choose an heir to inherit his business, and you want to be it?"

"I think there's been a misunderstanding."

"I don't think there has, Mr. Grayson. Eyewitnesses have seen you arguing with your siblings on multiple occasions. Especially your brothers. I understand that living in such a well-known family can cause stress, but are you sure attacking your siblings is the best way to go about gaining your adoptive father's attention?"

"Okay, you know what? I'm sorry, Ms. Skeeter, but I must be going now. I hope you have a... Wonderful day."

"But Mr. Grayson-"

He had already left the room. As you can see, Richard has given us two contradicting points of view. And we have no way of knowing the truth until we undergo more investigation.

For now, though, we should ask ourselves just what might be causing such diversity in the Wayne household. Is there a difference in race placing a part? Their different ways of going about things? What do you think?

I leave you with these questions in hopes that you try to figure out the answers yourselves.

Rita Skeeter.

Edited: July, 2022

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