The Wings of an Angel

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Dear best friends, you're stupid. You fail. You're weird. You're not perfect. But. That's okay. I'm like that, too. We laugh at the random-est things. You know my ugliest side. Even though we disagree sometimes, we never fight. When I'm sad, you were always there to make sure I'm okay. Thanks for being there for me. I love you. 


My 5 Seconds of Summer collection on the 8tracks app blasted in my ears as I worked out in the school gym at ASU. Why that was my gym mood this morning I have no clue, but I pushed my workout to be one of the hardeset I had all week. 

I had, had a hard week, and it was going to be even longer with tonight. Going across town to work the AK Chin Pavilion security crew on a Thursday for a concert full of screaming fan-girls was totally what I needed. Regardless of it being a band that under normal circumstances I would want to see, I wasn't looking forward to it tonight. 

I could have gone to my aunt's with Brianna to watch football, but no I have to work! God, if the pay wasn't so good I would quit in a heartbeat. Yay, let's deal with dumbass kids and miss our Texans plan!

My alarm went off in my headphones cutting off the music and telling me it was time to get ready for work. I trudged out of the gym and across campus towards the apartment I shared with Brianna. I climbed up the stairs and stumble through the door. I hopped into the shower and after a good forty minutes getting ready I was in my car and on my way to West Phoenix. I had spent half of my life in the Valley after we left Texas so the drive that would have taken an out-of-towner fourty-five minutes took me twenty-five. 

I switched from station to station as I zoomed down the highway with my music blasting

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I switched from station to station as I zoomed down the highway with my music blasting. I finally settled on switching to Bluetooth and played my 90s rap playlist as I got onto the I-10. It wasn't even eight in the morning yet as I pulled up to the back gate. Joey, the Head of Security and my boss, stood by the gate.

"Hey, CJ, turn down the music will ya!" Joey yelled over my rap music making me smile because he was the only one that called me CJ at work.

"Sorry, Boss. It's been a long week and needed to blow off some steam with my music" I replied as I turned it down to a reasonable volume and waited to park as he stood at my window clearly irritated.

"Its okay, Westside. Just park and get to work. You're the only one here and the band has been here for about thirty minutes" Joey responded in a teasing tone making me sigh at how incapable my male coworkers were at their job.

"Leave it to the only woman on your team to be on time when I'm the one that was scheduled to arrive last!" I joked back when I got out of my car.

"Leave it to the only woman on your team to be on time when I'm the one that was scheduled to arrive last!" I joked back when I got out of my car

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