Graduation Day

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When you first meet people try to notice their eye color while also smiling at them. It might be because you look for a second or two longer, but all I can tell you is that people really respond to it. 

"Sloane, get up!" I whisper-yelled shoving her a little bit causing her to jump before getting a puppy-like whimper from her.

"What? We don't have to get up till 8 today and it's only 6" she whined putting her pillow over her head after looking at the clock on the wall in our baracks.

"You're going for a run with me" I whispered pushing her again getting a hateful look from her.

"Fine" she groaned rolling out of her bunk and pulling her shoes on that were at the foot of her bunk.

We jogged out of the barracks and around the base. It was a comfortable silence the whole way, but I could tell Sloane wanted to know why I really woke her up so early. She wasn't good at not being in the know about things. 

I stopped us just before the mess hall and waited as she caught her breath giving her a chance to finally grill me

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I stopped us just before the mess hall and waited as she caught her breath giving her a chance to finally grill me.

"How can you run that much and not be winded?" She wheezed looking up at me making me laugh to myself.

"Because I've been running since I could walk, but is that really the question you want answered?" I smirked as I stretched getting a glare from Sloane.

"No, I want to know why you woke me up so early?" She replied as she too stretched continuing to glare at me in the process. 

"With my graduation I get promoted and I wanted to tell you before then" I smiled as she stood up and stared at me and made me laugh as I watched her eyes grow wide.

"You're going to be a Gunnery Sergeant?" She whispered looking at me in awe seeming scared to say it any louder.

"Yep and they want me to lead my own platoon" I replied with a smile rubbing the back of my neck nervously.

"But that's usually a first or second lieutenant, or even a Captain that leads their own team" she stated in confusion saying almost verbatim what I had saif to my superiours when they presented it to me.

"I know, but the man upstairs thinks I'm ready for it because of my skills" I clarified looking at her still unsure about the whole situation.

"Wow! Have they given you your team yet?" She asked looking at me as well with curiosity written on her face.

"I actually chose my team and I made sure it is an even mix of men and women. I want to show that we can work together and be a great unit" I smiled knowingly, hoping that she would agree with what I was going to ask her.

"What's with that smile?" Sloane asked looking at me suspiciously; knowing me well enough to know my facial expressions.

"I've chosen you to be one of the members of my unit," I announced with a bright smile, "I was going to wait till after the ceremony to tell you, but I couldn't wait any longer because I wanted to know your answer already."

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