Let's Get Our Family Back

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Yes, I'm your best friend. Yes, I would die for you. Yes, I'm about to steal your chips.

"And up next is 5 Seconds of Summer's newest song Military Barbie!" the radio host announced as we drove towards the compound we were going to infiltrate.

"Isn't that the media's nickname for you, Military Barbie?" Brand asked looking over at me.

"Yeah, how did they get a new single out already? We've only been gone for a week" I replied in confusion.

The song started playing and I noticed it was a slow sad melody.

My heart ached as I listened to Luke's voice singing the words and the boys backing him up.

They sounded so lost and sad

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They sounded so lost and sad.

I wanted to go home and hug everyone of them. I wanted to hold Luke in my arms forever, to bask in his scent, to pick at his mind to find the deepest darkest parts of his mind.

"While you carry a purse, she carries a 65 pound rucksack. While you shop with your girlfriends, she cleans her rifle with her battle buddies. When you wear heels, she wears her combat boots. Instead of the makeup that you put on your face to make yourself look pretty, she paints her face for camouflage. While you kiss your boyfriend goodbye for the day, she kisses me goodbye for the year."

I felt my eyes tear as that part of the song hit me.

I knew he knew the sacrifices we were going to have to make for the rest of our lives if we stayed together

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I knew he knew the sacrifices we were going to have to make for the rest of our lives if we stayed together. To me those sacrifices are worth it as long as we have each other, and I got to come home to him after my deployments.

"Bad day? Tell that to my Military Barbie who's 6000 miles from home, in 120 degree heat, carryin' a 100 pounds of gear, in full uniform."

A smile flicked across my face at his recognition of how strong I am.

"The day I met her, my life changed...the way she makes me feel is hard to explain. She makes me smile in a special kind of way...she makes me fall deeper in love everyday."

I could feel my cheeks flush at his words. He was making this mission hard to focus on.

"I need to Skype Luke when we get back to base" I sighed with an unmistakable smile on my face.

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