So She's a Marine

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Best Friends: Be there for you. Extremely caring. Scares whoever tries getting you. Tries to make your day better. Funny and fun when they are here. Reads conversations, and gives opinion. Inherits a new family. Explains crap that you don't know. Nothing gets past you if it doesn't get past them first. Directly hurts whoever hurts you. Something can never break you apart.  

"So we've seen two of the three jobs you do, what's the third?" Ashton questioned as they all sat in a booth in the back of LoLo's Chicken and Waffles in Downtown Gilbert since it was in an area the boys would be less likely to be recognized in.

"Y'all ain't privy to that quite yet, but let's say I look good in fatigues" CJ smirked sipping from her jar of sweet tea, one of the rare times that she would allow herself to have sweets since she was hardcore about what she consumed.

"Okay, that either implies you're an amateur model, or military" Michael pondered aloud making CJ silently chuckle.

Brianna smirked knowing the answer, but refusing to reveal it herself. She was proud of how hard her best friend worked because CJ had plans for her life that she wouldn't stop pursuing. 

NROTC had become CJ's life right after premed schooling

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NROTC had become CJ's life right after premed schooling. Her and her recruiter had created a solid plan and knowing CJ she wasn't going to let some hormonal lust after a guy get in the way of that plan. CJ didn't even have plans for a family anytime soon in her future, she had told Brianna that she didn't think she would pursue anything like that until her thirties. 

Not even love could change her mind about her future and her career. Bri knew the only thing that would change her mind would be a man more than willing to go through her journey with her. 

"Are y'all ready to order?" their waiter asked walking up to the table stopping the conversation at the table.

"Can we get six LoLo's chicken and waffles?" Brianna responded flirtatiously making CJ laugh quietly.

"Sure thing. Are you sure you two little ladies can eat that much?" He failed to flirt back making CJ roll her eyes at the dumbass.

"I was fat and she's from Texas, so yes" Brianna responded dropping the flirting making the smile on the waiters face drop.

The waiter nodded his head and walked to the kitchen. The girls shared a look of annoyance as they both sighed. 


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