To See Her Break

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Distance can be measured. Love cannot. Love will therefore always, always overcome distance. 

December 22nd

Luke's POV

"Guys, I still don't know what to get CJ for Christmas and it's three days away!" I exclaimed walking into the house.

"Have you asked Bri?" Michael questioned looking up at me from the couch where he was sitting as he played video games.

"Yes, and she's not even sure what to get her" I replied with a huff as I plopped down on the couch.

"Why don't we fly out there and try and figure it out then?" Ashton suggested from the kitchen where I could hear him rummaging in the fridge.

"I'll call Bri!" Calum exclaimed before any of us could really think about it because we were all missing the states.

"Bri, we're flying out to Arizona tonight" Calum spoke into the phone once Bri had obviously picked up.

"What do you mean you and CJ aren't there?"

"You're in Australia?"

"On the way to our house?"

"Okay see you in thirty minutes" Calum spoke before hanging up the phone looking up at all of us with wide eyes. 

All we heard was one side of the conversation, but as soon as we heard they were in Australia we jumped up and scrambled to clean the house

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All we heard was one side of the conversation, but as soon as we heard they were in Australia we jumped up and scrambled to clean the house. Thirty minutes was so not going to be enough time to clean this house, but we managed to do it. Just as we finished washing the dishes the doorbell rang.

"I've got it!" Michael yelled since he was the closest to the door and I could feel my heart pounding in my chest from nerves.

I could hear Michael open the door and the faint sounds of a conversation which grew louder as they walked farther into the house.

"Guys, where are we going to put the girls?" Michael asked when they got to the kitchen reminding us that we didn't have a spare bedroom.

"Don't worry about it! We can sleep on the floor" CJ smiled giving me a hug.

"No! We couldn't do that to you!" Ashton argued causing the girls to smile.

"Seriously, its nothing for us to sleep on the floor. We do it all the time!" Bri argued back with a smirk.

"Well I know where CJ's sleeping" I smirked causing her to laugh.

"Wow, slow down there, Lover Boy!" she teased with a smirk.

"I swear I won't try anything unless you give me permission!" I exclaimed throwing my hands up in the air.

"Alright, fine" she smirked again making me smile.

"You can share my bed with me, Bri" Ashton smiled with hope written all over his face since he was into her and hoped she felt the same.

"I think I'll take you up on that offer" she smiled back making him smile even more.

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