CJ Myers is a security guard for the concert pavilions in Phoenix. She's nineteen and doesn't look like your typical security guard. She's 5'6", slender, has long, curly, chesnut hair, and dark green eyes.
One night she's working security for a sho...
Be alone. Eat alone, take yourself on dates, sleep alone. In the midst of this you will learn about yourself. You will grow, you will figure out what inspires you, you will curate your own dreams, your own beliefs, your own stunning clarity, and when you do meet the person who makes your cells dance, you will be sure of it, because you are sure of yourself.
"CJ, don't go! Why do you have to go early? Why can't they wait until you've gone through med school and graduated from it?" Luke asked standing with me at the airport holding onto my hands for dear life.
"Luke, I've already talked to you about this. They need me and my skills over seas as soon as possible and for me to be able to be deployed I have to go through boot camp first. I'll be out in three months tops and during that time you can write to me" I replied looking up at Luke with a sweet smile.
"Babe, the bands going to be on tour, so I won't be able to write to you" Luke reminded me with a frown that made me smile as I embraced his cheek with my free hand.
"We'll be fine! You talk to my family all the time and you can get updates from them" I reassured him with a warm smile, "And you can send letters through Mom."
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With a long sigh he nodded his head and kissed me. As I looked up at him I could see how distraught he was about me going to boot camp so quickly. It broke my heart because I want to be able to stay with him and go on tour with him and the boys, but my country would always come first for me.
"I love you, Luke! Don't forget about your crazy girlfriend!" I smiled as I started to walk away backward; causing him to laugh when I almost tripped.
"I love you too, ChrisJacob! I couldn't forget you if I tried!" Luke smiled sadly back making a sad smile to grace my face.
I turned before he could see the tear slip from my eye and walked towards the security line. I hid my face not wanting to let anyone see me cry.
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I inhaled deeply and slowly exhaled to regain my composure, and quickly swiped at my tears. I wasn't going to be gone long, and it certainly wasn't going to be the longest that I was gone either. I knew we would be able to make it through anything that was thrown at us because we were strong enough.