Tattoo Surprise

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Lovable Babe: Everyone loves her because her personality is bomb and she's cute as fuck. Good vibes but don't try her, her words are lethal. 

Its been a week since the boys of 5 Seconds Of Summers had left and that dream had been happening since then, all in similar fashion. CJ had hardly gotten any sleep and it was starting to get to her. She walked to class everyday and went to work when she needed to, but she didn't have her usual energy. She ate even more than she usually did and spent as much time as possible in the gym. Her friends were beginning to notice but knew better than to question her on it. She hadn't responded to any of Luke's texts or calls and there was a chance that one more of either would lead to her break. She was a ticking timebomb fixing to go off at even the slightest irritation.

Her phone began to ring as she sat on the couch with Brianna. She glanced down at it, picked it up from the coffee table, and chucked it across the room. She didn't care if it broke, in fact she hoped it did so that she wouldn't have to hear it any longer, but she knew that it wouldn't because there was a case on her iPhone. Brianna watched the sudden action and knew it was finally time to ask CJ what was going on. 

"Whoa! Dude, what was that about?" Brianna questioned looking at CJ in surprise having jumped a little in her seat.

"Luke" she growled not looking at Brianna and staring blankly at the video that was now paused on the screen.

"Why did you chuck your phone across the room because Luke is calling you?" Brianna continued to ask, not going to let CJ get out of the conversation they needed to have any longer.

"Because since he left I've been having these dreams that would make fangirl writing look like child's play. It's getting to me and I know if I talk to him it will just get worse" CJ whispered hiding her face from her best friend hoping that she wouldn't have heard what she had confessed.

"Wait! You've been having dirty dreams about Luke Hemmings, who totally has a thing for you, and you won't answer him because you think they'll get worse!" Brianna yelled jumping out of her seat.

"Dude! Our neighbors can hear you!" CJ yelled back getting frustrated and considering just leaving and going to the gym again even though she had been there from 4 in the morning to about 6 o'clock.

"Tell me!" Brianna yelled hopping around like a maniac causing CJ to smile a little for the first time in a week.

"Fine! Yes, I have!" CJ yelled as her phone started ringing again.

Brianna looked at CJ and ran for her phone. CJ ran to intercept, but before she could Brianna answered the phone as CJ tackled her to the ground. 

"Hey, Luke, it's Brianna" she squealed as CJ tried to take the phone.

"Hey Brianna, where's CJ? She hasn't gotten back to me since I left" Luke asked with a confused tone at Brianna's squeal.

"She's sitting on top of me" Brianna wheezed out acting like her best friend was a 300 pound linebacker.

"Can I talk to her?" He laughed causing Bri to smile.

"Luke wants to talk to you" Brianna wheezed holding the phone out for her.

CJ took the phone from Brianna and answered, "Hey, Luke!"

"Hey, how come you haven't answered me until now?" Luke asked as CJ got off of Brianna.

"Umm... I've been busy...?" CJ responded unconvincingly.

"I've been talking to Brianna, so I know that's a lie. Did I do something?" Luke asked sounding worried that he had messed things up with his dream girl.

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