The Wolf and the Turtle

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When I say I won't tell anyone, my best friend doesn't count. 

"Wolf, are you sure about this?" Adara, Jabbar's wife asked as Chris took the box of hair dye from her and started to read the instructions on the box.

"I am sure. It is easier for me if my hair is short and a darker color. The chesnut is too noticeable" Chris smiled reassuringly knowing how much Adara liked her hair.

"Yes, of course red is so much more unnoticeable" Adara smirked at her nudging the woman that had become a sister to her.

"Those that know me know that I would never go red. There is still a very good chance that I might still run into them before my job is done because I am responsible for coordinating with so many people and will have to come and go through many countries" Chris smiled with a chuckle thinking of all the colors she had played with.

"Then let me do it naturally so that you do not risk the chemicals harming your unborn child" Adara replied laying her hand on Chris' stomach that wasn't showing much since she was only about five months along.

"Fine" Chris sighed placing her hand over Adara's wishing that Luke could be with her during her pregnancy.

"We'll make it black to match your dark brows. You already blend in with the women of this country, so once your hair is the same color no one will even give you a second glance" she smiled taking the box of dye from Chris' hands throwing it in the trash.

"I blend in for the safety of my unborn child" Chris spoke honestly rubbing her stomach.

A couple days after they had released her team Chris had started to throw up for no reason and she had realized that she had also missed two periods. She had asked Adara to go into a larger town and purchase a pregnancy test because she wanted to make sure she wasn't pregnant. Adara had come back a few hours later and after Chris had taken it she discovered that she was in fact pregnant. Chris kept running over the past few months trying to figure out why she hadn't realized sooner that she was expecting. 

Jabbar had sat down with her and discussed what she wanted to do, but he insisted on sending her to see an actual doctor to make sure she was pregnant and if she was that the baby was fine because she had taken a beating when they captured her and...

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Jabbar had sat down with her and discussed what she wanted to do, but he insisted on sending her to see an actual doctor to make sure she was pregnant and if she was that the baby was fine because she had taken a beating when they captured her and her team. The doctor had told her that she was pregnant and that the baby was fine. Chris was relieved to know that the baby was fine, but knew she and Jabbar were going to argue when she returned.

When she returned with the news Jabbar had insisted that she return home so that she could raise her unborn child with its family and not in a war torn country. She had insisted that she had to stay even if she was pregnant because the wolf protocol was a one time thing. She wouldn't be able to do this again if she went home and everything she had worked for since she was a junior in high school would fly out the window. Jabbar knew there was no winning an argument with Chris. He had agreed but made her agree to always have one of the men with her when she left the compound.

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