CJ Myers is a security guard for the concert pavilions in Phoenix. She's nineteen and doesn't look like your typical security guard. She's 5'6", slender, has long, curly, chesnut hair, and dark green eyes.
One night she's working security for a sho...
This is for you, my best friend. The one I can tell my soul to. Who can relate to me life no other. Who I can laugh with to no extent, who I can cry to when times are tough, who can help me with the problems of my life. Never have you turned your back on me or told me I wasn't good enough or let me down. I don't think you know what that means to me. You have gone through so much pain and you still have time for me. And I love you for listening even when inside you are dying. And I look up to you because you are caring, strong, and beautiful. Even though you don't think you are. And I hope you know that I'm always here to listen to you laugh and cry and help in all the ways that I can. And I will try to be at least half the friend you are to me. I hope you know I would not be the person I am today, without you, my best friend.
"Are you sure you want to do this?" Luke asked CJ when they waited in the greenroom of Ellen's show.
"I'm sure. It was released a week ago that I was actually alive. I need to address the questions that everyone has" CJ smiled at her husband.
"But you still have another mission. What if this got over there and your identity is compromised?" Luke asked in concern.
"Baby, everyone just thinks I was being held prisoner for a year and that those that eliminated the Taliban released me when they found me and Gunner. The public believes that I am on paid leave for a year" CJ smiled reassuringly as she placed a tender hand on his cheek.
"Okay, if you say everything is going to be okay then I trust you" Luke sighed knowing he would not win this fight, but she would also do everything in her power to make sure she stayed safe and that their family was safe as well.
"Captain Hemmings, we're ready for you" a crew member spoke knocking and opening the door.
"Alright, I'm coming" she smiled turning towards the girl.
"I love you, baby" Luke smiled giving her a kiss.
"I love you, too" she smiled as she followed the girl out.
"So, our next guest is an amazing woman that for the last year everyone in the world thought was dead, Captain ChrisJacob Hemmings-Myers" Ellen exclaimed as music started and Chris walked out.
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CJ smiled and waved at everyone as she walked towards where Ellen was standing. She smiled and gave her a hug as the music stopped and then they sat down.
"Can I just say that you are absolutely breathtaking?" Ellen breathed taking in the 5'6" onyx in front of her in a thick grey turtleneck sweater, black overall dress, black tights with stars on them and a pair of black chunky heeled booties.
"Um... Thank you. It is an absolute honor to meet you" CJ blushed trying to keep eye contact with Ellen and resist succumbing to her naturally shy side.
"No, it's an honor to meet you! You have served our country for what five years now? You're an amazing woman, one thing I want to know is how is it possible that you were pronounced dead a year ago and then a month ago you return from the dead with you and Luke's son?" Ellen asked.