An Outstanding Marine

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I know 2am, I know it backwards, inside out. I know the tread of tired tip-toes that against the silence shouts. It's when the night time has its guard down about to swap watch with the day, and it will talk to you of truth if you can coax it the right way. I know 2am, the way it weaves throughout the city, to settle softly on the things that in the daylight aren't so pretty. I know those safe beneath sheets will never see the dark so deep, and there's a reason that the dreamers aren't the ones who are asleep.

Luke's Point of View

"ID please" the guard at the gate ordered as CJ dug in one of her pockets for her military ID.

CJ handed over her ID and the guard checked it and then checked all of our civilian ID's against a list he had on his tablet. He handed it back and nodded for her to drive through. 

"You know where to go" he stated stepping back to press a button that we couldn't see inside the security booth.

"You know where to go" he stated stepping back to press a button that we couldn't see inside the security booth

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CJ nodded and drove onto the base when the gate opened. After a few minutes she pulled into a parking spot in front of a large building where Marines were bustling around from building to building. 

"Myers! Good to see you got here safely" a hulk of a man bellowed when we all exited the vehicle, and I am not kidding about how large this man was; he made me look like Gumby.

"Gunnery Sergeant Marsh, good to see you again" CJ smiled saluting her superior officer receiving a smile back from him.

"At ease, Marine. Do you kids need anything to eat from the mess hall?" Marsh questioned with a smile looking at the group of us that had accompanied CJ.

"No, Sir, CJ made sure we ate before we got here" Brianna replied smiling back at him making him nod at her words.

"Explains why you're a little late," Marsh teased causing CJ to smile and shake her head in amusement at her superior, "Myers here is never late, hell, she's normally early."

"Oi, Boxsee what ya doin' back here? You were here last weekend!" A serviceman yelled trying to intimidate CJ, but instead got an eyeroll in response from her.

"To show that I'm a better sniper than you, Raleigh!" CJ yelled back saluting him with her middle finger getting a chuckle that seemed to rumble up from the depths from Marsh.

"You'll never be a better marksman than me!" Raleigh quipped causing her to smirk and Brianna to raise her eyebrow at his words.

"Raleigh, she's already scoring higher than you on everything!" Marsh yelled puffing his chest having enough of Raleigh's bullshit, "Now, get lost!"

"Raleigh, she's already scoring higher than you on everything!" Marsh yelled puffing his chest having enough of Raleigh's bullshit, "Now, get lost!"

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