the funeral

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Astrid POV.

it had been a week since 'hiccups death' the village had recover but stoic hadn't he didn't show it but everyone could tell he was still mourning the death of his son. It has been a week since hiccups funeral and trader Johan had arrived. He came to me and said "master hiccup told me to tell you that he is heading out of the aracpeligo and wanted me to give you this" he handed me a scroll


this past week has been good I'm missing you and your the first and last thought in my mind every day. I saw my chance to send you this letter when I saw Johan on his way to berk I am heeding out of the arcapelago to explore the grate beyond

I love you Astrid Hoferson

p.s I will see you in a years time

I thanked Johan and went back to my hut the scroll in my hand he's ok I thought and he still remembered the promise he gave me

stoics pov

a week I the funeral was a week ago and I was relived no dragon rades have happened I couldn't handle it. even though I put a strong face on for my village but I was still mourning I had now lost everything to these beast my wife and my child were gone

Gobers pov

poor hiccup he didn't deserve to go out like that he was only just starting to get respected and those beasts had to take everything away from him

Fishlegs pov

I miss hiccup he was the only one that was interested and listened to all of my dragons facts. I'm actually concerd about Astrid she is taking his death well and that would usually be a good thin but when you know that she has had a crush on him ever since they were little so she shouldn't be this calm about this hole thing. I had finally gotten the courage to ask he so I saw her on the way back to her house so I decided to stop her "hey Astrid wait up" I called "what is it Fishlegs" she asked turning around "I was wondering you had a crush on hiccup and yet you don't seem bothered by the fact he's gone" I feel I could have been a little less harsh with my words there but how else was I supposed to aske how she's not so sad about there friends death. "Fishlegs I really liked hiccup and I do miss him I just don't want people to see me as weak and your the only one that knows and I'm the fearless Astrid Hoferson Fishlegs I need to be brave for him he wouldn't want me to be weak" she pushed past me and ran home I had a feeling that she had started crying and I felt really bad for making her upset so I will go and apologies later

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