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Fishlegs pov

Chef told us about dominus and Dagur fight today and I wanted to go cheek it out as I want to see this tribes fighting stile and learn more about the dragon riders as I've never heard of them before and just think of how many new dragons they've found and studded there living my dream life. When we get closer to the training ring, I notice the riders were there. Dagger and dominus were in the ring and dominus calls out "hey babe can you start us of" "ok ....... go" it was incredible in was so fast one wrong move and they both could be dead. Dagur is disarmed so he drops his sword and they start circling each other and dominus lashes out 5 time all in different spots and Dagur falls to the ground it was amazing "hey bro why can't I move" "don't worry your feeling will come back just give it a moment" that was incredible he knows how to stop someone in there tracks without knocking them out or killing them. Stoic was standing next to me and he was juts as shocked as I was.

Stoic pov

I just saw Dagur and dominus fight and everything they said last night was true I couldn't believe it after Dagur got up he walked out said something to dominus and came toward us. "well, what did you think stoic pretty incredible right." I just nodded my head "I asked dominus and he said it was ok if any of you wanted to duel with him" Snotlout stepped forward "ill be happy to show the berkians strength" o my thor this is going to be embarrassing was the only words I could think as Snotlout walked towards dominus "I happily accept your challenge" "very well but what will you do if you lose" "well seeming I wont whatever you want but when I win I want you to take of your mask" o my thor Snotlout just asked someone to disrespect there tribe rules but before I could tell him off dominus said "I accept, but if I win you have to stay in your room until the wedding and no flirting with heather." it was fair enough it would also mean I don't have to worry about Snotlout for the rest of the day then the stranger started heading towards the ring and Snotlout followed. The fight lasted longer than I expected but it still ended with Snotlout paralyzed and embarrassed on the floor with dominus walking away mumbling something in a language id never herd before I'll ask Fishlegs "Fishlegs what dose stultus mean and what language is it from" "well chef I believe its Latin for idiot." "whys that" "because his name is Latin too so I believe him to be fluent in Latin" "and what dose his name means?" I questioned "I believe it's the word for master or ruler a suitable name for a leader's son on a leader in general." Fishlegs then screams and I look around for what he's screaming to see dominus and his friends mounting their dragons. dominus's dragon came over to me with him on its back I was scared but I wasn't about to show "do me a favor and make sure he keeps true to the promise for me" great he really meant it "wait dominus if you had lost would you have stayed true to your side of the deal" "of course but I knew I wouldn't lose" I couldn't argue with him there we all went back to our huts as there was no excitement we would be leaving after the wedding tomorrow thank thor I'm not sure how long I can go without killing Alvin and the dragons especially that night fury every time I see it I'm reminded that his kind took away my son and Astrid Hoferson our best shield madden and was going to be chefdes

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