leaving for the wedding

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Fishless pov

It's been 2 years since Astrid dyed and everyone misses her. We've finally replaced the dome roof to the arena but still haven't come across any dragons to restock the arena to train the new recruits with. I am now married to Ruffnut. Tuffnut is now working at the forge he's nowhere near as good as hiccup or Astrid but Gober needed the help. I'm now an advisor to the chef and Snotlout is still training to be chef. Tomorrow we set sail to berserker island to attend the wedding of Dagur the derange and someone named mala, allegedly she's a queen of an island named defenders of the wing. I was looking forward to meeting a new tribe. I mean it wasn't even from the arcapelago just the thought of learning about a new tribe gets me exited but another tribe that lives outside the borders even our greatest explorers have gone. Stoic asked us to the great hall to discuss our trip. I would be going along with ruff and tuff chief and Gober. "Fishlegs, come here." Chief instructed as everyone else leaves. "as you know we will be going to berserker island. I want you to find out everything you can about the people coming to the wedding," he explained to me as he handed me the list off tribes that were going to the ceremony. "yes, chef ill get right on it." After getting home I opened up the list:

The defenders of the wing, expected as their queen is the one getting marred

The wing maddens never, herd of them

The outcasts, wait what why was Alvin going to the wedding

Dragons edge, who were they? probably some dragon sellers maybe they've got the nighfury that killed Astrid and hiccup and would be willing to sell it to us

Haven Isenberg, what kind of name was the anyway probably some tribe up north where it's cold (yes this is the ice sanctuary that hiccups mum lives in and someone else keep reading to find out who this mystery girl/boy is)

And a few others (I could be here all day reading all of the tribes and their names)


We finally set sail to berserker island I couldn't wait to find out about all the different and new tribes and renew the treaty with the berserkers it was exiting.

Astrid pov

I've been at the edge for 2 years now I've met all of hiccups allies and unfortunately some of his enemies oh most of his dragons including toothless girlfriend (the light fury from httyd3) I know who would have taken toothless as the romantic type. My hut is now complete and I no longer get lost when going around the edge. Hiccup asked me to be his betrothed a month after taking out trader or should I say traitor Yohan who happened to be a spy and one of the leaders looking for a bewelderbeast, the king of all dragons for a man named Drago Bloodiest or something I never can get his name right. He wants world domination and thinks heal get it if he has a dragon army backing him, he obviously hasn't met Vikings yet there as stubborn as anything and would not bow down to someone that can control the spawn of the delve, or in my case the best beasts in the world. Anyway, in other big news hiccup found his long-lost mother who's been living with dragons for the past 20 years and you will never guess who else we found. Turns out hiccup has a sister named Bella

who rides violet a storm fury it's a cross between a Skrill and a light fury part of the striker class its really cool it has the speed of a light fury and the fire power of the skirl

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who rides violet a storm fury it's a cross between a Skrill and a light fury part of the striker class its really cool it has the speed of a light fury and the fire power of the skirl.

"Astrid were ready to go when you are Dagur and mala will kill us if were late

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"Astrid were ready to go when you are Dagur and mala will kill us if were late." Freya shouts snaping me out of my thought "coming Frey." I run to the stabiles and put on my armor and mask (they all now have amour made from there dragons skails like httyd3)

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