back to berk

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Hiccups pov

On Dragos ship

"Vigo I'm close to getting the alphas trust and Drago will be heeding out in a week, I'm going to suggest going to berk first so we have more resources for the attack on the nest and because berk is closer and unprepared and the nest will put its guard down if we start attacking islands instead of them, I need you to go to the nest and tell them my plan and make sure mum stays behind so the nest isn't completely unprotected and Bells can go or she can stay its up to her really." "of course, but I'll have to find a way to get that message out to Eret and send him as I've been asinded to babysit you the entire time" "oh well lucky me I'm 20 and I still need a baby siter, oh well at least I'm being babysat by Vigo and not some silent but deadly guard who wants me dead. "right so you escort me back to my cell and then go we've only got a week and no offence to eret but he aint the fastest rider in the world"

Back on berk

Stoics pov

The dragons have been toing our boat so it only took us a few days af traveling to get home so when berk comes into view I was surprised. Astrid has come with us along with 2 other riders named Freya and Gunnar. Freya would occasionally come on the boat to talk to us but otherwise we haven't spoken to them cense the dispatcher from berserker island all though Astrid came and said hi once but that ended with Snotlout getting a black eye and broken nose and Astrid being mad and hasn't come to talk to anyone. She has now made it clear the only reason she's even setting a foot on berk is because she wants to see her parents again.

Someone from berk pov

The chiefs boat puled into the docks and he steps of the boat followed by Gober and then snotlout the twins and Fishlegs and then 2 people in weird armour and helmets and then gasps could be herd throughout the crowd as one last person walked of the ship was wearing the same armour but holding there helmet and they looked so much like Astrid but that was impossible Astrid was killed by dragons and then what shocked them even more following the girl that looked like Astrid was deadly natter and 2 other dragons that I've never seen before "everyone to the great hall I have a lot of explaining to do and no attacking the dragons please!" everyone starts heading towards the grate hall including the dragons and the armoured people.

"people of berk as you know we went away to attend the berserkers wedding. Well, it turns out we are not the only people allied with the berserkers Alvin the treacherous, the wingmaden tribe, defenders of the wing, the queen is now Dagger's wife, and the dragon tribe this is there cheiftes and some of you might recognise her as Astrid Hofferson former member of this tribe." So, it is Astrid but why has she allied her self with those devils, "all of the dragon tribes' allies are dragon friendly" more murmurs go around the room. "silence! There is a reason they are here they believe we are a target in an upcoming war and they are the lesser of 2 evils. Its ither ally with them or ally with the madman Drago Bloodfist" murmurs from the older tribe members start to break out in murmurs again

Astrid's pov

My eyes are scanning the room looking for my parents but can't find them anywhere stoic finally dismisses everyone and my parents finally appear amongst the crowd they come walking towards me with confusion written all over their faces I was excited to see them but so nervous "hey Freya, Gunnar I was wondering if you could take our dragons and set up camp in the cove hiccup talks about a lot stormfly will know where it is ill be there as soon as I've got some caching up to do with my parents." I turned around my parents "Astrid" they both say their faces shocked and nervous. "hi mum hi dad I missed you even though I didn't come back I missed you." "oh, Astrid we missed you so much where have you been and how did you become chieftess and a friend to dragons." "well ......" I tell my parents everything including the fact I'm betrothed to hiccup and I banished myself so if I ever found myself on berk again, they couldn't punish me for being friends with dragons by Viking law as I am no longer part of a Viking tribe. "oh, Astrid were so sorry we tried to marry you off to snotlout we never meant to drive you off like that." "it's ok I home know of course I can't stay but I promise to visit every now and then, now if you don't mind, I'm going to turn in for the night as I'm tiered and its late see you tomorrow" that went beater than expected. I walk through the village heading towards the forest when the gang surrounds me "hey Astrid" "what do you all want I'm tiered and snotlout I'm betrothed to someone and am not in the mood for your flirting" "oh but princess you know you love me you can admit it and then we can go back to planning the wedding we started the last time you were here or we could skip the wedding and go straight to the honeymoon." "follow me and I'll make sure you don't live to see another sunrise got it snotface. Everyone else if you want to you can follow me." I turn and head towards the camp.

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