the wedding part 2

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No one's pov

Hiccup and the gang went to get change out of there armor and went to the welcome feasted. Meanwhile stoic was ranting off to Gober "the berserkers are friends with dragons not to mention Alvin and who knows who else" "well stoic how about we go to the party and find out" "ok Gober but don't let me drink otherwise ill go mad and we can't have that especially seeming the berserker are our greatest allies and we don't want a war with them especially if they have dragons and Alvin as allies" "right you are stoic now let's go." Secretly Gober just wanted to go drink and have fun not really caring who's hear and who's not. Almost everyone had arrived except hiccup and gang (aka dominus bad name I know) Dominus Dagur and Alvin were standing in the top end of the hall talking and Jessica (aka Astrid) was talking to Gunnar, Blitzen, Heather, Rowan, Freya, and Bella. Valka was talking to Atali and Mala everyone was talking in their own little groups and everyone was having fun. The berkians felt a little unconfutable as the only people they new was some berserkers and Alvin and he wasn't even a friend they all split up to try make conversation with a few people stoic and Gober went over to talk to Dagur Alvin and someone else they had never seen before but he looked young so maybe an heir to a tribe. "Dagur Alvin how are you." Stoic says in his chiefly voice "stoic how are you" Alvin answered in a happy sounding voice to stoic and Gober's surprise "stoic good to see you this is dominus a good friend of mine" Dagur says "hi dominus which tribe are you from and why are you covering your face. "I'm from no tribe me and my group of friends wear our masks as we do not wish for anyone to find out our identities and attack our families to get to us." This shocked Gober and how could a group of teens have enemies "no offence kid but how do you have enemies" "now now stoik don't under estimate dominus trust me you don't want him as an enemy" "you sound like you have some experience" the masked man started to laughs at all he confusion and stoic became even more confused "he doses that's why" the man says and Alvin looks embarrassed "no offence but let's just say I've had harder to beat opponents than Alvin and Dagur." Dagur and Alvin looked really embarrassed now as to stoic they were undefeatable worriers' and then hear was an 18-year-old boy claiming he defeated both of them "you two can explain I'm going to find Jess have fun telling the story of my victory. Also, Dagur Jess is going to be pissed that I skipped training today due to everyone's arrival. so, would you be up for sparing tomorrow I don't fancy my chances against my mad girlfriend."

Stoics pov

I watched as the boy went of to a group of other masked people before walking out with a girl who I assume was his GF. I still can't believe a scrawny boy like that could take down Alvin I mean not even I can do that and I've been trying for years "so how did you to get your buts kicked by a little boy like that." "don't understanded him stoic. Him and his nighfury are vicious without his team not to mention with his team I mean having 5 dragon riders backing you and an entire dragon army really is a scary site." Dagur says "yeah he managed to take us both down without his dragon army and with only 4 riders backing him." Alvin says "that boy has some serious skill with a sword" wait back up he rides a nightfury a nightfury killed my son. "a nightfury killed my son" "stoic calm down it could have been a different nightfury that killed your son" I hear Gober say. I feel myself calm down Gober was right as usual this boy's dragon couldn't have killed my son he was with this boy. Right? "hey Dagur how long has this boy and dragon been together" "since they were kids why?" "just wondering no reason really" this calmed me down. Me and Gober wandered off to the bar "so what did Dagur tell you about by boyfriend" a girl from behind me said this must be Jessica she reminded me of someone but I just shook it off "you must be Jessica I'm stoic. And Dagur didn't say much only that he's the last person on the planet that I want make and enemy out of" "yes me and my BF are a force not to be trifled with"

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