On berk

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Stoics POV
It had been 7 days since hiccup left to go with Astrid and his friends and 3 days since Val arrived on Berk. She has helped us make peace with the dragons and we have started turning the arena into stables to keep the dragons instead of killing them there we will feed and train them there. At least I get to get to know my daughter all though she seems to spend more time with the twins than she dose with me. My relationship with val is mending and she has agreed to be my wife once again. Everyone is in the hall having lunch when two terrible terrors come in and drop a letter in front of me and someone else I think it's the Hofersons.
I look over to the Hoffersons to see they had already opened there letter. They wore shocked but happy faces and were hugging each other and see tears of joy coming down her face. I open my letter to see what it's about:
( the same thing it said on the invite in the last chapter) my son was getting married to Astrid hofferson and they invited me. I then see Gobber come into the hall flapping a peace of paper around in the air "stoic, stoic yo lads getting married to the 'offerson lass." He hands me the letter and I chuckled at my friends happiness " I know Gobber I got one two." I then look at his invite and noticed something at the bottom:
Pleas invite the gang because last time me and Astrid were on Berk they couldn't read.

My son is getting married I still can't believe it and he actually invited me. I re read it to see when it is after tying my rspb to the terror it the invite came on.
Time skip to next day ( wedding will be in a month)
I herd a commotion outside so I groaned and got up and walked out the house to see what the commotion is and as I approached the town centre I see Astrid there hugging her parents and people congratulating her on her wedding announcement and were wishing her the best and to have a nice wedding she then thanked everyone and walked off to the hofferson house hold.

Astrid POV
I just landed in the centre of Berk with everyone saying congrats for the big day and wishing me a good marriage. Then I saw my parents and give them a hug "congrats ast you deserve a guy like hiccup" my dad says "yeah you finally got your life long crush wrapped around your little finger" my mum comments "soon she'll have him raped all around her" I then playfully punch my dad when he says this and say "dad" and we start walking to my old house. To catch up and chat.
We all sit around the table in the kitchen and mum makes us some food and dad sits down " our baby is getting married I'm so proud" " yeah how long have you been betrothed ast sweetheart" mum asked " well officially 3 years but unofficially we've been dating him ever I ran away a few year's ago." We spend the rest of the time catching up and talking. "So how come your hear and not with hiccup and the rest of your friends" my mum asks " well hiccups off with his boy friends having fun island hoping you know enjoying his last days as a free man. And I came hear to spend my last few days as a free woman with my parents and catch up with my old friends. Berk may not be my home now but it was my first home so hear I am." " oh I've never herd of that tradition before" " yeah we herd of it whilst we were travelling and thought it would be fun to do it. Anyway I'm going to go hang about berk oh but before I go I thought you might want to see my dress rowan helped me pick it out whilst we were shopping just before we came hear." I go over to my bag and bring out the dress I will be wearing on my special day " Astrid it's beautiful hiccups going to fall in love with you all over again." " thanks mom, I'm going to go and put it in my room a long with all of my other stuff and go hang out with the teens and Bella." I walk into my room and look around it it hasn't changed a bit from when I used to live hear. I put my dress on the desk and my bag in the corner and swing my ax onto my back and walk back down stairs " see you later mum dad" I walk through the town taking it all in nothing has changed a bit. I spot Bella and the gang hanging around at the bottom of the grate hall steps. " hey guys what you up to." "Nothing much where's my big bro I would have thought you to would be together with your big day coming up" Bella asks me " hiccups island hoping with the boys because we have plenty of time to be together after the wedding so we're having some quality time enjoying our last days as single people" " hey Astrid" snotlout says with his cheesy grin on his face " snot I'm engaged so wipe that stupid grin of your stupid face." " but it's not to late to leave hiccup and rule berk by my side" " not a chance of that ever happening" "oh well your missing out" he says whilst kissing his arm muscle I gag. "Astrid what are you doing hear shouldn't you be with my son" " look stoic he may be your blood son but just a heads up he ment what he said when he told you he's got two farther figures in his life and nether of them are you." I turn back to the gang " and I'm hear because I wanted to see my parents before I no longer share there last name and hiccup isn't with me because he's having fun elsewhere. Come on guys I bet without toothless being hear I could beet you all in a race around the island" I got a bunch of yeahs and woohoo and everyone started mounting there dragons.
Me and Bella came first followed by the twins and then fishlegs and some how snotlout came last and his but was on fire🙄.

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