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Fishlegs pov

"WHAT!! my princes Astrid is alive and is betrothed to hiccup who is the dragon master and is now in a mad man's hands and nobody is freaking out about it and all of the other chiefs knew about it this entire time and didn't care to mention it to us or at least stoic that his wife his son is alive and that he has a daughter named Bella." "yes, Snotlout that's what the chief said he's now trying to mend things with Valka and get to know his daughter but they both hate him for driving hiccup away and Snotlout I wouldn't call Astrid princes any more she hates you." I was still trying to get my head around everything the chief had told us he had learn in the hall after we were all kicked out it was the last thing I was expecting. "hahahaha! Snotlout got his but kicked by a...a... hiccup hahahahaha" ruff said through her laugher and I must admit she was right he was beaten by the runt of our village. "yeah, and not to mention his sister is hot." We all steered at tuff all in shock it was usually Snotlout that commented on that sort of thing and the opposite of what someone like tuff would say "and I caught her pranking Dagur an then she got Alvin it was great I could learn a lot from her" I was still getting my head around its tuff has a crush on someone. I was also a lot nervous tuff and ruff are already so mischievous imagen the destruction they could do with the 3 of them and Bella's dragon. Which I don't know anything about "stop woring sweetie tuff deserves to find love and she's so cool I would love to have her as a sister-in-law" ruff has a point he did deserve to be happy and Bella was a cool girl.

Hiccups pov

I must have fallen asleep because someone has come into the cell and shackled my hands to the wall so I couldn't move around as much. Its going to be a long day but I wasn't scared even though I new what was coming even though I new Drago was going to torture me until I become his dragon trainer and help him take over the world. He's so predictable. But I have a plan and I've already told everyone what to do and that is to sit tight and wait for my next command. I could just make out the faint out line of toothless in the sell next to me. He was sleeping. The lazy reptile. "toothless wake up you useless reptile." He grumbles and shifts his head and gives me death glair "what do you want you useless human I've been dragged into a sell for the third time since meeting you and each time because of you but hears the worst part you got captured on purpose an you still haven't explained why." Toothless growls back at me at me "Vigo and Eret found out Drago wanted me to train dragons for him as some of them are rebellious and don't want to listen to the alfas commands. And you know that the alfas can't constantly control the dragons without getting week especially if the dragons are constantly fighting the mind control. So, my plan is simple pretend to give into the torcher gain the alfas trust and take-out Drago from the inside out" "yeah because your plans are amazing and always go to plan" toothless says in his most sarcastic raw. "the great dragon master so good to see you again such an honor to see you again so soon I must say I prefer you and that beast of yours behind bars" I pull on my chains to try and reach Drago but they were too tight. I kept my head down and made it look like was fuming and mad and made it look like heed wone he let out his ruff chuckle "o believe me o great dragon master you will not be coming out of this cell any time soon. Not until you give me what I want" toothless growled "he says go to hell" I answer "I agree with the dragoon on that. I will never give a mad man such as yourself what you want" "lets see what you have to say about that after a few days of torcher and little to no food and water. We will keep you alive but will make you wish you were dead." With that he walks out. Its lime to put my pan into action. I just hope everyone on berserker island are doing ok and that Astrid isn't going to kill me when I get back, oh and if she doesn't, I bet mum dad or Bella will. Maybe I should just stay here I mean I would be safer and I would be more likely to survive.

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