the nest

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Please watch  the video if you haven't seen httyd as that is where this story starts
hiccup pov

"toothless get us out of hear bud" I said in a low whisper my hart was beating faster than a night fury can fly, I was petrified I really didn't feel like dying today and from the way Astrid was frozen still and breathing heavily in my ear I could tell she didn't either. I just saw a huge dragon the size of berk eat a dragon and I didn't want to be next.

"TOTHLESS GET US OUT OF HEAR NOW" I was panicking now. toothless took of into the sky's narrowly missing the giant dragons mouth. it costed a zipleback's life but we did it we made it out alive.

astrid pov

o my Thor o my Thor were alive were alive i can't bilevel were alive "I can't bilevel it we found the nest we have to go tell your dad" I said trying to hide how scared I was but it wasn't exactly working my voice was trembling and I was shaking a little. "what no Astrid we can't you saw that thing they wouldn't stand a chance and besides what are you going to tell dad, hey stoik, me and your son just flew on a night fury and we found the nest. he would have me arrested and put of trial for treachery and would also have toothless killed." hiccup told me. that shocked me hiccup had never answered back to me and I hated the way he mocked me with his impression of me. I yield back because i was still in shock not really listening to what he was saying even though he had a good point "Vikings have been looking for that nest ever since we first sailed hear and you don't want to show them the way to it to protect your what pet dragon!" i regretted these words as soon as i said them and was about to apologies when i noticed all the stuff behind hiccup like bags and a mountain of food enough to last him a month. he was planning on leaving he really was serious when he said he couldn't kill a dragon he was planning on leaving he was planning on leaving and i had found him just as he was about to leave. i suddenly blurted out "you were never planning on entering the ring tomorrow you were planning on leaving" "yes Astrid i was and i still am i don't belong hear i belong out there" "take me with you than i mean i couldn't kill a dragon know knowing in the back of my head there being forced to atack by the queen whose to lazy and too scared to atak herself."

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