give in to torture

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hiccups pov

I've been one Dragos ship for 5 days and my whole body aches Drago beats be every day and whips me and yesterday he slaped me with a dagger. "all right all right ill help you just please stop please stop" some tears were fake others weren't my whole body aches "good tonight you heal tomorrow you train the alfa to do my biding and then the rest of the dragons and then we heed to the nest and then to berk to kill the only chef who survived my wrath and believe me he will not survive my wrath this time around.

erets pov

i was heeding to berserker island as hiccup had a message for everyone and Vigo couldn't go because he was in charge of keeping an eye on hiccup which is helpful because now we don't have to sneak down to the cells to see him. I finally arrive on berserker island to see everyone waiting for me and a few people I recognized as the berkians "Dagur you are awer that he didn't want them to know right i mean what happened and how did they find out." "long story short one of Dragos men said his name when he was brought in by Astrid and Bella and OMT they are so persistent so they know everything mostly everything or at least all the important stuff like everyone's true identities and that were currently fighting Drago and his army." "right I see you do realize hiccups going to have you all killed for this right or maybe end up disappearing for a month or two right like he's going to be beyond mad" "thankyou Eret for pointing that out but honestly i think he would just kill the berkians and then calm down" Dagur says and you should see the berkians faces there beyond scared and confused who knew Vikings could do such faces its really funny "anyway hiccup says hi." it was Astrid's turn to speak "is he ok and what the hell is going on Eret and how come you new about his plan and we didn't" "simple, he new you wouldn't approve, he's ok he says hi and that everything's going according to plan and he will sent me Vigo or a terror mail every week or as often as he can anyway he also told me Dragos plan is to atack the nest and then berk he said something about Drago having a grudge against the only chef to survive his wrath. he's asked me to tell you his backup plan. he wants Valka, Bella, Rowan and Blitzen to help defend the nest and prepper it for battle and everyone else is to warn and go back to berk and Dagur and heather and everyone else is to go home as they will need to defend there tribes and Dagur still needs to move to defenders of the wing. now i really must be going before someone notices I'm gone good luck everyone" with that i leave everyone to there thoughts mount skulcrusher and heed back to Dragos base of operations

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