Astrid runs away

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your probably wondering why Astrid is siting on toothless behind hiccup and not back on berk well I'm going to tell you so keep reading to find out also enjoy

erlear that week

Astrid's pov

i was in a good mood because I get to see hiccup again tomorrow until mum and dad pissed me off by announcing to me that i was arranged to marry snotlout this summer i was fuming nobody had asked me what i wanted so i decided that it was time for me to fly away just like hiccup i mean he did promise that if i was ever put in a situation like this he would take me with him the next time we saw each other so i started packing. and wrote a letter to hiccup explaining my situation.

snotlout pov

i was finally marrying the woman of my dreams and there was nothing she could say or do to get her out of it not that she would want to i mean who wouldn't want to marry me I'm the future chef and the strongest hottest person on this island anyone would be lucky to have me.

Hiccup Pov

"hey gang. Looks like your going to be aloud to meet the love of my life after all" i announce as I enter the club house. "its about time hiccup." rowan states trying to get a look at the letter I'm holding in my hand "haha are you finally taking us to berk because if you are its about time." Blitzen asks "no even beater she's coming to live with us." I announced everyone looked at me with shocked and exited expression "so we finally get to meet hiccups mystery girl i thought this day would never come." Gunnar states as he looks up from a book. "ok ok ok not that im not happy about this but why now?" Freya asks from the corner of the room she had been reading next to Gunnar but I'm not quite sure how much reading was going on in that corner. i walk to the table and put the letter that Astrid sent me on the table it said

hiccup help

there forcing me into an arranged marage to Snotlout. Snotlout of all the pig headed discusting muton headed Vikings they hat to pick Snotlout. pleas pleas take me with you the next time you visit i would do anything and I mean anything (ok maybe not quite anything) but you get the jist


your damsel in distress


"that's just horrible i mean how could they i mean back were me and sis are from we the man would propose and if the lady says no that's the final word on the mater." "i know Freya i know which is why she's coming to live with us know could you please make space in your hut rowan as yours is the only one with a spear bed and its probably the has the most spays as you don't shear it with your dragon as your dragon has a stable outside your hut." "ill get right on it." as she walks out i turn to go pack.


i say goodbye to the gang and head to berk i see Astrid waiting for us when we get there.

Astrid pov

hiccup lands right in front of me "hello malady how are you today" he says playfully knowing fully well that my day was not going good. "haha very funny. now have you figured out how your going to fake your death." "no i haven't really thought about it because i was too busy avoiding everyone." i say i was thinking know and i think hiccup could tell i was. "ok Astrid i want you to announce to your parents that you are going dragon hunting in the forest because that's how you want to spent your last few months as a single woman and then we can set the seen up like we did for my death how dose that sound" it was actually not a bad plan this way i could walk off with all of my stuff without anyone getting suspicious "its a good idea lets give it a shot" after thinking up a full proof plan i walk back to the village to find my parents in the kitchen I go upstairs and come down with a bag of stuff "Astrid Hoferson where are you going." "relax mum I'm only going on a hunting trip to enjoy the last couple of months of being a single woman a shield madden. I just need to go by the arena first to grab a few more supplies " "fair enough i know you don't want this but its for you and the villages own good" "don't worry mum ill be back in two days i promise" i walk out the door and run to for the arena to find hiccup stood surrounded by claw marks blood and all of the arenas dragon released and standing in a row "I'm soo glad you are finally going to meat my friends and two be honest it would be nice to have my own girlfriend on the island i mean even toothless had a girlfriend. Now take your pick and let's blast our way out of her in order to make a seen" he called me girlfriend I think as I walk towards and mount the deadly Nader and toothless blests a hole in the dome over the arena and we were of. I new we had a long way to go. we sat and flew in silence for a few minutes and then he started talking "I've made allies and enemies. some enemies have become allies....."

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