the battle of berk

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Hiccups pov

I've finally gained the trust of the alfa and most of the dragons, were heading out today we will reach berk in roughly 2 days at the most as Dragos got the alfa toing the boats I'm on deck with Vigo behind me you know 'guarding me' my hands are chained as Drago doesn't want me out of his sight, he has some serious trust issues but who can blame him I mean everyone hates the guy even one of the main leaders of his army which is really quite sad. "hey Vigo how long until we get there, I'm fed up of being on a boat and I'm so board I could die of it" "stop wining we will be there in a day or two." I rolled my eyes at Vigo he is a grate ally/ friend but thor he's a good actor/ spy if this is how everyone on this ship acts around Drago, I'm so glad I ended up having him guard me otherwise this would been 10 times scarier

Time skip

Authors pov

Berks war horn blew indicating that Dragos army had arrived. Everyone got into position. "riders mount up" Astrid yells "and whatever anyone dose do not fire at the lead ship hiccups orders" the dragon riders take off and the village begin firing catapults. Those that weren't manning the catapults were fighting the soldiers that had managed to get assure. The riders had managed to bow up many of the ship when something happened a hugged dragon rose up out of the water "CLASS 10 CLASS 10" Fishlegs was screaming and the twins were looking at it in aww thinking of all the destruction it could cause "I hope your plan worked hiccup because thor help us if it hasn't" Astrid and Bella mumbled and the team agreed steering at the dragon "snap out of it we have a job to do now come on" rowan shouts they all head off to attack more ships.              

Hiccups pov

Vigo just came to warn me that we are nearing berk he handed me the keys and I unlocked my cage and then toothless cage and chains that were around him. As long as Astrid had explained to everyone not to attack the leading ship me and toothless will be safe but it's not the battle, I'm scared of, its seeing my old tribe again but oh well got a live in the moment and not dwell on the past or future in my case "come on bud time to finish a war," "you got it hiccup the sooner its over the sooner I can go back to my mate ad you can go back to yours" "ok let's go" I hear explosions going of everywhere and a huge amount of screaming and shouting. I go up on deck and tell toothless to stay down. I pop my head up to see Drago shouting commands and unlocking the chains that attach the bewilder beast to the boat or as I like to call him tiny. I find giving a dragon a name helps in gaining its trust and since it doesn't already have a name, I named him tiny because as everyone keeps reminding me, I'm terrible with names but I couldn't go around calling him big because that's just rude. Tiny comes up out of the water and onto berks land he blasts ice at a house and raws really loud. I go towards the armory whilst everyone is distracted by tiny and you know the battle I put on my armor and grab my inferno and put on the automatic tail fin I made him a wile back on. It's a good thing i learnt how to ride bear back because I couldn't find the saddle. toothless shoots up into the sky and sends out his nightfury call. I turn toothless and jump of whilst toothless it distracting Drago, I activate the zippleback side of my inferno I ignite the gas which causes Drago to fall. (like in the 2 movie) I land toothless next to Drago and dismount "it's over Drago you've lost" he starts to laugh I turn around and see tiny and all of the dragons behind her (that's right she's a she but Valka's is a boy) I put my hand out and she puts her nose on my hand I then point to Drago and she fires ice at him causing him to be stuck in it. I pat tiny on the nose and tell her to follow the dragons to the nest. She jumps back into the ocean and all the dragons follow her "hiccup" I turn to see Astrid. I take of my helmet and smile at her she runs towards me. She hugs me and I hug her back. I whisper the only words I taught her in dragoness "I love you Astrid Hoferson" she then proceeds to punch me in the arm and tells me to never do that again. "Believe me I won't "I then kiss her on the lips and she happily kiss back.

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