running away

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"no Astrid I'm going to try and stop the raids but until I can I need someone here someone I can trust to look out for both vicking and dragon during the raids" he told me and I knew deep down that he was right I needed to stay. "I promise i'll meat you here on this day each year because you have always been my crush, my love, my lady, but I understand if you don't feel the same way because I value our friendship Astrid Hoferson and I always will" OMT he loves me I've always loved him two but I've never wanted to show him that I do because I didn't think he felt the same way "hiccup" I blurted out and then I kiss him OMT I just kissed him

hiccup pov.

Astrid firkin Hoferson just kissed me my child hood crush just kissed me. I opened my mouth and then closed it again not sure what to say "I love you too hiccup and I always have so please come back each year, I'll be waiting for you." she told me. I gave her a smile and she smiled back


after an aquard silence they started setting up the area ready to fake hiccups death which involved toothless shooting at the ground and spreading his sheaded black scales Astrid being gently scratched by toothless and also riping up her clothes and hiccup cuting himself to add blood to the ground and last but not least saying there goodbyes. "ill miss you hiccup you do promise you will return on this day each year" Astrid asks tears running down her cheak "I promise and ill find a way to contact you in the mean time" hiccup answers he was sad to leave Astrid but was looking forward to what was next he also new he had to find a way to destroy or reason with the red death (what he has decided to call the queen that's controlling the nest)"

stoics pov

my embarrassment of a son is now the pride of the village and i couldn't be prouder it was lunch and i was enjoying it in the great hall everyone congratulating me on my sons success. the doors of the grate hall opened and none could have prepared me what was about to happen a battered up and out of breath Astrid ran in. "chef!...... chef!!..... hiccup.... gone" Astrid shouted in-between breaths she collapses on the ground her clothes were torn and her arms and legs were covered in blood some of her hair was smoking it was clear she had been ataked by a dragon but wait she had mentioned my son where was my son "Astrid where is my son." she was crying her eyes out muttering "i couldn't save him I couldn't save him" it was clear she was the only survivor of this atak and then i noticed she had a blood covered dagur in her had and I imediuntly recognized it as hiccups I dagur "Astrid what happened." she had finally calmed herself down and started to talk "i folowd hiccup into the woods to see where he wondered off to after training and i found him in a beautiful well hiden cove deep in the forest but as he was training sudenly a dragon as black as night came down and ataked him i jumped out of my hiding place to get the dragons attention but he shot at hiccup noking him out and then came after me i maneged to hurt the dragon but he then flew of with hiccup in his claws hiccup droped his dager as the dragon flew him away."

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