And we were off

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Astrid was standing as the back of the isle arms linked with her parents who were about to hand her of to the love of her life she was so nervous and excited the butterflies in her stomach felt more like dragons flapping around in there. As the music started and Astrid's eyes locked with hiccup and hiccup smiled and all her nerves went away and all she felt was excitement. She smiled back as she stood opposite him and her parentsgo and sit down " dearly beloved.,................ do you Astrid Hofferson take hiccup haddock to be your lawfully wedded husband" "I do" " and do you hiccup haddock take Astrid Hofferson to be your lawfully wedded wife" " I do" " you may kiss the bride" everyone sands up and cheers for the newlyweds. The party starts with hiccup and Astrid taking the first dance followed by hiccup and his mum and Astrid and her dad then everyone else. The party went on into early hours of the morning and everyone who wasn't passed out drunk were now sleeping in there allocated tents that included the couple Astrid and hiccup.

The next morning it was hugs all round saying goodbye to hiccup and Astrid who were about to take of on there honeymoon " see you in a week." " have fun and stay safe" could be heard from the waiving Vikings as the night fury and deadly Nader flew off into the sunset.

The end

A big thanks to whoever read this book to the end you have no idea how much that means to me. Hope you enjoyed my first book on this app or anywhere online for that mater. I really wasn't expecting for the reads to get up to the 100 so thank you for that. Also sorry it's a little rushed towards the end I just felt like it was getting a bit long and nothing really exiting was going on
Good bey for now

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