allies and enemies

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hiccup pov
It's been 5 years since I left berk,
"I've made allies and enemies. some enemies have become allies

my enemy's become allies/ spy's for hiccup

Vigo Grimborn and storm (the skirl like in rtte)

Vigo Grimborn and storm (the skirl like in rtte)

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Eret son of Eret and skulcrusher

Eret and Vigo are ex dragon hunters and now keep track of all Drago or Grimmel activity Drago because he's trying to create a dragon army and Grimmel because his goal in life is to kill all nighfurys 

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Eret and Vigo are ex dragon hunters and now keep track of all Drago or Grimmel activity Drago because he's trying to create a dragon army and Grimmel because his goal in life is to kill all nighfurys 

Hiccups riders (like people that live and help him on a daily biases)

Freya  and gruff her hoblegump (girlfriends to Gunnar)

Rowan and acid her changewing ( girlfriends to Blitzen)

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Rowan and acid her changewing ( girlfriends to Blitzen)

rowan and Freya are sisters they remind me of the twins always fighting each other or working together to create destruction or play pranks

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rowan and Freya are sisters they remind me of the twins always fighting each other or working together to create destruction or play pranks

Blitzen and blue his deathgripper (imagen Grimmel but shorter and darker skin)

we found Blitzen and blue along with a light fury now mown as Luna who is toothless girlfriend just of the coast of our island after escaping Grimmel the grizzly otherwise known as Blitzens farther

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we found Blitzen and blue along with a light fury now mown as Luna who is toothless girlfriend just of the coast of our island after escaping Grimmel the grizzly otherwise known as Blitzens farther.

and last but not least Gunnar and seitan his Devilish Dervish

and last but not least Gunnar and seitan his Devilish Dervish

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I'm also allied with

dagur and heather (chef and chefess (sister not wife) of the berserker tribe)

mala and the defenders of the wing

Atali and the wingmadens

Alvin and the outcasts

and other tribes thro out the world

oh and I've also found out my mums alive and living in the bewilerbeasts nest.

and I think that's everything you need to now before we get back to my home did you get all that Astrid" I asked her "yep it sound amazing hiccup and I can't wait to see everyone and spend time with you and get my to learn more about my dragon and I was thinking of naming her ..." she started to trail off probably thinking about what she was going to name the dragon and whatever goes on inside her heed I cant wait to show her everything I've been up to for the past five years.

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