marred at last

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No ones pov

The wedding ended with Dagur and Mala kissing to seal the vows and everyone clapping and congratulating the newlyweds. The party lasted all day and well on into the night which meant all the guessed would leave the next day as everyone was way too drunk to travel. Finally, everyone retired to bed after Dagur cared mala from the great hall bridle stile. Everyone woke up around midday as everyone was still nursing their hangovers and were still tired from parting all night. Everyone was eating breakfast/lunch in the hall talking amongst each other about when they were leaving and were debating on how long it would take to get home and how much supplies they would need. "Dagur!" everyone looked to see Jess (Astrid) Freyja (valka) and Bella standing in the door way looking upset and angry. "oh no what's happened now" Dagur answer in a panicked voice. All the Vikings in the were sat there in shock watching the seen unfold "its dominus we can't find him anywhere and before you say he's probably out on a flight he's not" as soon as Astrid said that stormfly and violet came running in one carrying a man in his mouth and the other caring toothless saddle. At this point everyone was looking shocked and the Viking in toothless mouth was screaming "Drago's coming for you all! And this time you can't interfere with our plans because hiccup isn't here to save you that's wright your never see your precious little leader ever again" at this point toothless had dropped the man and Astrid nocked the guard out.

Stoics pov

What on earth was going on why was there a knocked-out man in the middle of the room? And why are we the only ones that look completely confused and what has any of this got to do with my dead son. "wait did he say hiccup was has any of this got to do with my dead son Dagur" "all right everyone except the leaders of each tribe OUT NOW" Dagur order and everyone left except for the leader and the dragon tribe "what the hell is going on here" I demanded I was completely confused "I new Drago would be planning something he's been two quiet the past couple days" said an annoyed Alvin and Dagur hummed in agreement "what's going on" I repeated again more anode this time "look stoick you may be our allies and I appreciate your alliance but honestly you really don't need to get into this war I mean no offence but there's a reason you didn't know about dominus and his tribe it's because he didn't want you to know I mean you the worst out of all of us when it comes to dragon hating that is before e me and Alvin and I made friends with dragons and he didn't see the point in even trying I mean you would have had the boys dragon killed and would have thrown him in a cell for being a traitor." Ok Dagur had a point I would have done that when on earth did, I get so predictable? But Dagur was still avoiding the question about my son "ok I felt it I hate the dragon but your still avoiding the question why did the guard say my dead sons name" Dagur then looked at everyone and mumbled something in a language I didn't recognize and everyone else answered in little mumbles and nodding their heads "all right stoic well answer you question" the girl Jessica answer and everyone from the dragon tribe took of there masks and my mouth dropped at the front of the group stood Valka and Astrid "hello stoic I wish it was good to see you but seeming that the last time I saw you you tired to marry me off to someone I heated I mean Snotlout" she gaged and turned her head away and then something I wasn't expecting happened val slapped me across the face and said "how could you drive away our son you hot headed fool" that hurt. Then it was Dagur turn to talk "so you've probably figured it out but just in case you haven't dominus is hiccup and your son has been kidnaped by Drago" I swear by mouth was on the floor by now hiccup was alive and was one of the most powerful men in the world and was now in the hands of a mad man who tried to burn me alive years ago and Astrid and Val were alive and Dagur and Alvin were friends all thanks to my son. Just wait until I tell everyone. Then a terrible terror came in with a message to my surprise. Astrid reached up to grab the letter. She read it and then relaxed she then handed it to Dagur and said "aww so when were you going to tell us you were in gaged to hiccup miss Hoferson" what Astrid's engaged to my son "after everyone had left, we didn't want to steal the spotlight from you." "wait what does the letter say" oh right sorry its from hiccup giving us some instructions I'm really mad he didn't tell me about this sooner but who cares at least he's safe." "he's in the hands of a mad man how can he be ok" "wow stoic, have a little faith in your son I mean come on you've seen for yourself he's not your useless little boy anymore" Dagur says while handing me the letter

Hey Astrid

Sorry for worrying you I wasn't expecting Drago to kidnap me so soon. I'm ok and please for my plan to work please don't try and find me. Ill see you soon I promise


Your betrothed

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