questions and answers

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Rowans pov

We followed hiccup to what the villagers call the great hall its where everyone eats their meals kind of like a bigger version of the club house back home. We walk in and sit on the table in the far corner of the room and start a conversation amongst our selves and people start to gather around us "can we help you" I ask as these Vikings stink and are way to close for comfort "yes you can my son promise to answer all of our questions today and were making sure he will stay true to that promise." Stoics voice demands "one I am no longer your son and second don't stand so close, ever herd of personal space." Hiccup says as a response his voice dripping with authority and all the Vikings step back except for stoic ands the teens. "that's beater now one at a time what are your questions and who are they for:

"How did you lose your leg?" a random Viking called out wow they must be a little more observant than I gave them credit for it took me ages to realize he was missing a leg and even longer to build up the courage to ask him about it "well after dropping Astrid back on berk after our flight the night I left I headed back to the nest. I fought the queen of that nest with the goal of stopping the raids. After the final blow I had lost control of toothless tale fin and the queens tale got in the way so we got hit by its tale I got knocked out and woke up in gothis hut with toothless by my side and no leg."

"Why did you leave?" stoic asks "simple one, I was fed up of being treated like a runt and wanted to leave two, I was selected to kill the monstrous nightmare now known as hookfang and couldn't and three I left to protect my dragon"

"What happened the night you left?" another random Viking asked. "not much I packed my bags went for a flight with Astrid and found the nest so nothing much oh and Astrid kissed me" "yeah but not before punching you in the gut because you kidnaped her" I comment "I'm regretting telling you that" hiccups says sarcastically with Astrid there laughing.

hiccups pov

After everyone was done with their questions I got up "well I haven't been for a flight in ages anyone want to join me." Everyone got up and we all started to walk out "HICCUP" my farther shouted in his chiefly voice "look guys ill meet you at orange tree valley (also known as itchy armpit) oh and if you can find sheep, we can have a race I'm craving for some excitement without worrying about living or dying" "see you their babe" says Astrid kissing me on the cheek and everyone ells say "see you there" or "sounds good" "what do you want stoic" I turn to see my farther. I give him a blank look "you made us think you were dead for years and you haven't looked me in the eye since you got here" "oh well I was a little busy you know saving the island and stuff also why did I need to? You're not my farther blood or no blood I mean I've only ever had two farther figures in my life in neither of them was you." "son" he says his voice beginning to crack "no, my mother may still love you and my sisters willing to build a relationship with you but I tried to do that for 15 years and it never worked and nether of them were treated like dragon shit for their entire child hood. And tell me this stoic if I had come back the same scrawny boy I was back then would you have even wanted me back." I was so mad my father's face told me everything I wanted to know "I didn't think so, so get lost." With that I turn on my heels and mount toothless and fly off.

Gober's pov

I saw my best friend on his knees sobbing in front of his son who had just left and I couldn't blame, but what hiccup just said was true he has changed in the past couple of years. He's not the week boy he was 7 years ago (hiccup was 15 when he left Astrid was 17 and they are both now 22. If I've done my math right.) and he did have a point stoic never treated him like a father should treat a son and I don't think he would have wanted the lad back if he had come back the same week sarcastic hiccup he was back then all though he hasn't lost his sarcasm.

Thank you for the question ideas

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