one year

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Astrid pov.

it's know been a year since hiccup left I've missed him so much. he came up with a cool way to communicate and keep in touch, terror mail. hiccup actually trained terrible terrors to deliver messages the only down side to the is that I have to hide one in my room so no Vikings can see it and i can contact hiccup whenever I want. my terror is named sneak which i personally think is an excellent name as he's and excellent hider and i found him on ruffs head once when she came to visited last week. she didn't notice luckily I still don't quite understand how she didn't notice but who cares I'm not in trouble and nether is sneak.

I'm so exited hiccups coming to visit me today i haven't seen him in a year. but from his letters he has new armor and has lost a leg. it took me a while to get my heed around the fact he's lost his leg and i had to read the letter at least five times before sending a response that went a bit like this

hiccup horrendous haddock the third


are you ok? how did you survive?

thanks for the terrible terror it is a great idea

if you were hear right know i would punch you

love your lade

p.s I took up forge work because Gober needed an assistant otherwise he would never get anything done he took your death the hardest

Gober pov

one year one hole year since hiccups death i was so sad barely anyone in the village cairs that he's dead. but Astrid the poor las has asked or the day off said she wonted to bee alone today she took hiccups the worst.

no ones pov

Astrid arrived at the cove just after having breakfast to the sound of a familiar nighfury roar . toothless landed and a tall boy around 6ft he was wearing black/brown lether armor(like httyd2). the boy got of his dragon and took of his helmet. "Astrid I've missed you how are you." "hiccup your alive and you've grown and not to mention your hot." Astrid said

" Astrid said

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hiccups pov

"Astrid I've missed you how are you." is asked at the staring blond girl in front of him " hiccup your alive and you've grown and not to mention your hot." Astrid said i chuckled at her comment and the next thing i know I'm being punched in the arm by one happy Astrid Hoferson "hey what was the for." "for going and loosing your leg" i stared at her in a confused look and then i remember the firs letter she ever sent me and then she leaned in and gave me a kiss "and that's for everything else." she was trying to hide it but she was blushing like crazy. ucchh get a room will you I'm trying to eat over hear I hear a familiar growl from behind me yeyeye you don't you start, you don't have to look if you don't want to

Astrid's pov

hiccup was hot

i gave him a confused look because he was what is looked like was having a conversation with his dragon but not in Norse it was in what sound like the dragon tongue. hiccup then turned back to me and explained to me that toothless had taught him draconic or Dragoness aka the dragon tongue. he also told me about his island and how he took down the dragon we saw that night we went to the nest. I was amazed at all of this we just talked and talked until it got dark so he walked me back to the village before saying goodnight and telling me that he would be leaving around midday tomorrow as it was getting late and he was tired and so was toothless. it was so good to see him i thought before closing my eyes to go to sleep

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