chapter 1

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beautiful moon

Mizuki's POV

its 8.00 am?! oh no I'm late. I better be fast. I have presentations today. after that I heard my mum calling me from downstairs "Mizuki!!! get ready quickly!! you said you have a presentation today. or else your gonna be late!!"

"okay mum! I'm coming." i reply and run downstairs to the get my shoes with my presentation material on my hand. "I made breakfast. let's have a breakfast together." my mum said and I reply "sorry mum. I can't, it look like you have to eat breakfast alone. sorry mum I'm really in a rush."

"ohh. its okay but you should at least drink or eat something. you can't go to your class with an empty stomach Mizuki." yea i can't but still I'm late.

"its okay mum. I'll buy something at the cafe." I peck a kiss on her forehead and her cheek. I put on my shoes and then walk to the door. "bye mum. see you later." "okay bye my lovely Mizuki." she replied while bidding me goodbye.

I arrive at the cafe near by my campus. i came here almost everyday. the beverage and food is so delicious I love it. i walk to the counter then order iced latte and sandwiches. "can I have one large iced latte and sandwiches?" the cashier reply "okay that would be 900yen" I take out my wallet from my bag and give the cashier 900yen. I put my wallet back in my bag and wanna find a sit while waiting for my iced latte and sandwiches.

I accidentally bump into someone. my presentation material dropped on the floor along with my phone. "oh, I'm sorry" he said and I look at him. he's wearing a beret that cover his hair and half of his face. then we both change eye contact with each other. it's awkward. I break the eye contact by collecting all of my stuff on the floor and I realise that there are two phone on the floor.

both of the phone are similar. I think one of the phone belong to him. i take my phone and stand up still. "I'm sorry." I bow my head then I look at him back. "I'm the one so would say sorry. I'm the one who bump into you. sorry" he replied to me.

"ahh it's okay btw sorry again." I said to him. "o-okay" he smile weakly to me and went to the counter order his drink. I realised that he has a camera with him. I guess he like to take photo or maybe he's a photographer.


[author note:
btw this is my first ff. fuhh. im sorry if there is any grammar mistakes or wrong spelling. english is not my first language so yea. hope you guys enjoy the story. this story is based on my imagination and not inspired by any movie or any other story.💓🙌🏻]

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