The Train Station

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Lucy's POV

It had been a year since we left the Professor's house, Peter hasn't been himself after not seeing Layla at all. We had kept in touch for a while but soon the letters from her eventually stopped coming. Then one day Peter's moon necklace suddenly stopped glowing. None of us knew why but we all could sense that it took a rather large and important piece from him.

School started up again, I was set to join Susan in attending her boarding school for the first time. Saint Finbars'.

I ran out of the train station in an attempt to find Susan. Peter had managed to get himself into a fight again.

A horn blew, "Watch where you're going!" The driver yelled.

"I'm sorry!" I called back.

I found Susan at a magazine stand trying effortlessly "not" to talk to some geeky boy.

"Phyllis," I heard her say to the boy.

"Susan!" I called totally destroying the moment. I didn't care though, Peter needed us there.

Susan looked at me.

"You better come quickly," I insisted.

She gave the boy a glance then grabbed her suitcase and ran after me back into the station.

When we got to the scene, we saw a group of boys fighting and Peter was in the middle of it. The two boys pounced on him ripping a part of his shirt. Then one of them slammed him against a wall. That's when someone pushed past me.

"Edmund!" I exclaimed. Edmund had gotten taller since last year and more mature but he was still no match for these boys.

One of the stronger boys shoved Peter's face to the train tracks, Edmund tackled him to the ground while the other kicked Peter in the stomach.

A whistle blew and a group of soldiers came up and broke up the fight. The crowd quickly pushed us back up the stairs of the train station.


"You're welcome," Edmund said.

"I had it sorted," Peter retorted. He stood up and walked up to the end of the train platform. I saw his half moon necklace sway slightly, still barren and I felt genuinely sorry for him as I knew the others did too.

"What was it this time?" Susan questioned.

"He bumped me," Peter replied.

"So you hit him?" I exclaimed.

"No," Peter answered turning around. "After he bumped me, they threatened to break the moon if I didn't cooperate with them. That's when I hit him."

"Really, is it that hard just to walk away?" Susan sighed.

"I shouldn't have to!" Peter insisted. "Don't you ever get tired of being treated like a kid?"

Edmund snorted, "Uh, we are kids."

Peter came back over to the bench and sat down. "Well I wasn't always. It's been a year, how long does he expect us to wait?"

"I think it's time we to accept that we live here," Susan explained. "It's no use pretending any different."

Peter touched his dark necklace and didn't say anything. I squeezed his arm comfortingly.

"Oh no," Susan suddenly sighed. "Pretend your talking to me."

"We are talking to you," Edmund retorted.

Susan just sent him a glare then I jumped up.

"Ow!" I yelped.

"Quiet Lu," Susan ordered.

"Somebody pinched me!" I explained.

Peter was the next to get up. "Hey stop pulling!" He demanded.

"I'm not touching you," Edmund replied.

"Would you all just-" she too got up followed by Edmund. "What is that?" She asked.

"Feels like magic," I noted, smiling now.

"Everyone hold hands," Susan instructed.

I grabbed Susan's and she took Peter's.

"I'm not holding your hand!" Edmund exclaimed.

I just rolled my eyes, Peter just took his hand anyway.

The train moved past us in a blur. Wind whipped through our hair and blew papers everywhere. The tiles on the tunnel walls broke off and part of the tunnel collapsed in on itself. Everything around us started to fade away and soon we found ourselves standing on a beach.

We walked out into the sunlight and looked around our surroundings. I grinned at Susan. We were back in Narnia!

Relight My Moon (Book 2 sequel) Peter Pevensie Romance Where stories live. Discover now