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I stumbled off the tube into an unfamiliar station. Nothing was going to be familiar anymore. I moved away from my family a few months ago to live my own life. To have some independence! Sadly I left my brother behind in Scotland but I have him on speed dial in case I need anything.

"Are you alright miss?" A police officer was patrolling the platform, examining my expression.

"Oh yes I'm fine, sir. I just haven't been to this part of town before and I'm trying to get home. Could you possibly direct me to 45 Willow Street?" I asked politely.

"Yes of course." The police officer took me over to a map, pointed me in the right way, patted my back and walked away.

Picking up my shopping bags I climbed up the stairs and passed a busker. I liked watching them and seeing them do what they loved for a brief moment before heading to where I had to go. Something about the people here was beautiful but also awful at the same time. They would sometimes think you were giving them evil eyes whereas you were just a simple commoner walking past showing your appreciation for them blessing your ears.

I was disappointed to see that the sky had opened up. Rain was pouring down the street. People were desperately calling taxi's and hiding under branches of trees for temporary shelter from the water. I pulled out my phone and began searching for my friends phone number, they had a car so they'd pick me up. Before I had the chance to type it in my arm was jolted by something running past.

"Watch where you're going jackass!" I yelled at the man I saw. He turned around.

"Your fault for getting in my way you silly bitch!" He put the middle finger back at me.

"Arsehole" I muttered to myself, shaking the anger off me. We had no reason to be at one another throats.

I called my friend and he drove up withing 5 minutes. Chucking the shopping in the back seats I got in the car.

"Are you alright Charlotte?" My friend asked.

"Yeah I'm fine, just soaked. Want to watch a  movie later?" I asked him.

"Yeah, fancy a comedy or romantic?" He asked.

"Uhhh let's go for... romantic? You good with that Hayden?"

"Yeah for sure no problem." He stated the car again and drove. I put on one of our favourite songs and we jammed out to it. Hayden was an awful singer but neither of us cared.

Pulling up to our flat on a small street called Willow Street, the rain was a little less heavy but still heavy enough so I had to blink furiously when the droplets hit my eyelashes.

"You go inside and get into comfy clothes and I'll bring the shopping in okay?" Hayden pulled me in for a quick hug and I hurried into our warm flat.

Hayden left me in charge of the decoration of the whole flat as long as I left his room alone. I took the challenge and made the flat a cosy, sophisticated and homey place all in one. I was so happy when he approved of what I had done!
The corridor wasn't long but we made do. The room to the left of the front door was our study, we shared the same work place because we worked in the same type of conditions and we liked talking while we worked. He was calming to me! I placed my handbag on the back of my desk chair and went into the kitchen opposite the study. I opened the fridge and found an unopened punnet of raspberries so opened them to eat. The room to the far left was the living room, a large sofa and a tub chair (incase anyone came to visit) sat in front of a huge TV. We stayed up watching movies and things together until 2am and then go to our individual rooms to be alone before sleeping. We both have bathrooms attached to our bedrooms so we didn't have to share. That would've been awful. To the far right was Haydens gaming room and our mini library. I collected old books and literature to read sometimes but mainly it was for the aesthetic. My favourite books were the After series. Hardin Scott holds my heart. Then finally at the end of the corridor are both mine and Haydens bedrooms. They are next to each other which is quite fun. I walked to mine and opened the door.

My room was interesting. A wall of aesthetic pictures, another full of pictures of family and friends back in Scotland, another wall painted personally by me with intricate designes and the final wall left bare. I still had to decide what I was going to put on that one. I slumped on my double bed, glad to be home. It was a long day! I worked, managed and supervised in a café with few employees and they're not the best people in the world but they're likable.

I rolled over and closed my eyes to the sound of Hayden cursing when he dropped a bag full of god knows what. I giggled and drifted into a sleep, aiming to nap for an hour before I spent time with my best friend.

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