The Sidemen

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"Okay so listen," Harry stood nervously at the counter and got my attention, "Tonight we are all getting together so we can discuss things. We're going to order some take out at JJ's and Simon's house first so... I was wondering if you wanted to come around to get to know us all. I think you would like us!"

"I would love to but I don't have a car and Hayden is busy tonight so he wouldn't be able to take me." I said sadly.

"Tobi can pick you up! Just beware his road rage is a bit more intense than mine." He payed for the food a drinks I gave him. I didn't want to see him go. "I'm not much of a hugger but this once I'll make an exception." 

Harry held open his arms for me and I joined in the embrace. I was overwhelmed with a smell of soft linen and moth bitten clothes but in a good way. It was like he was a comfortable person. He had some floral hints and a manly deodorant. He was warm. He was so warm it felt like I was being wrapped in a huge heated blanket made out of over worn hoodies. I closed my eyes. Taking in the moment, the smells, the feeling and the movement of his body. He was breathing deeply. Was it possible he was as happy as I was right now?

"Charlotte I need you." Paxton interrupted me for the second time today. It was beginning to annoy me. 

"Okay no problem." I let go of Harry.

"Meet him at 7. Give me your address and I'll make sure he get's there for 7." 

I wrote down my address and gave the piece of paper to him. So now I had his personal phone number and he has my personal address. That's mildly terrifying. I watched him walk out of my cafe. Seeing him walk away hurt more than I thought it would. 

"He likes you." Emily grabbed my hand excitedly.

"Shhh." I giggled.


Going home and waiting for 7 to come around was like torture. I really didn't want to wait. Hayden had left and I was just drinking an Irish Latte on the couch watching a Sidemen Reacts to make me less nervous and pass the time. 

I heard a honking from outside and my face lit up. Tobi was here finally.

"Hey Charlotte." He shook my hand as I got in the car.

"Hey Tobi, I'm not going to lie I'm a bit nervous to meet you all." I picked at the bottom of my hoodie.

"Dont be. I promise everyone will be on their best behaviour. Well... I can't guarantee JJ will be but its fine." He laughed.

"You know what," I looked at Tobi, "I have a friend back home who would like you a lot."

"Really?" He sounded shocked.


We spoke about it until we got to JJ and Simon's house. Tobi opened the door for me and I was greeted by the deafening shouts from JJ, the piercing laughs from Ethan and Josh was singing "baby lock them doors and turn the lights down low" to an adoring Vik. It was adorable. But everyone went silent when they saw me.

"Charlotte!" Harry jumped off his seat, came over to me and held my hands. He pulled me over to sit beside him and he wrapped an arm around me protectively, "Come here."

I fit perfectly where I was. Leaning my head on his shoulder, his grip tightened around me and I felt a small kiss on my forhead.

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