Something about him

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Once I had finished giving the men their food I went back to the kitchen to talk to Paxton.

"Are you having a laugh? You shouldn't be making jokes about me to customers!" I dropped some dirty dishes into the sink in annoyance. 

"Why not? You've never had an issue with it before! You're just under pressure because Harry is cute but they're also famous. I have no idea how you didn't recognize them before you heard their names!" He exclaimed while making more food. He let me make my signature things whereas he made the more common items which I had gotten bored of making. 

"Yes Harry is a very attractive man but that is not what's on my mind." I glared at him. He found me funny when I was annoyed at him because apparently I was adorable.  A few people had told me that I was but I didn't want to want to believe them. 

"You're something else." Paxton went to the bathroom. 

I didn't go into the back room so I left them to have a peaceful early afternoon to themselves. I liked that they wanted to stay! I kept to myself in the kitchen baking cakes, treats and deserts to present but also some new experiments. I had a designated section in the kitchen for my new recipes that I hadn't mastered yet. 

Paxton came back and we were  making casual conversation until Emily came into the kitchen.

"Hey Charlotte, would you like to say goodbye to them? They've payed and want to thank you." She asked.

" Yeah sure, I'll be right through." I agreed. I took off my dirty apron so I could look somewhat presentable for them. 

I let my hair down and left the kitchen. The 7 men surrounded the counter. 

"Honestly that was a nice snack thanks." Ethan shook my hand. How formal for someone who gave off hard man vibes. 

"Thank you!" I shook all their hands as they wanted to follow Ethan.

"Do you work everyday? We might come here more often. Could we get the back room every time?" Simon wondered. 

"I work everyday, apart from Sundays and I work the same times everyday. You can get the back room if there are no other bigger groups in the cafe for sure, I would love to serve you all again!" I assured them.

"Okay, thank you so much. Right, we have a video to film, why don't you come join us?" Tobi handed over a £10 tip.

"Woah thanks! I would love to join you but I have things to do here." 

"Aww okay no problem," Harry piped up, "Why don't you take my number and we can stay in contact? We could arrange for you to be in a video with us." He pulled a napkin from a neighboring table and scribbled a long number down. He passed it to me and I stared at it. I had Harry Lewis's phone number. 

"Okay well you two can chat and we'll see you soon hopefully?" Josh patted Harry on the back with a childish grin on his face and they left the cafe.

Emily squealed in my ear, running into the kitchen to tell Paxton what had happened. I tucked the napkin into my bra, trying to ignore the odd feelings inside me bubbling up and getting right back to work. I had to pretend Harry, Josh, Simon, Jj, Vik, Ethan and Tobi were normal men that I had served on a normal day at work with nothing special about the encounter. I liked feeling a little special though. What I did notice about the number was that it was a personal one. Harry had given me his personal phone number which meant I was going to be connected to his mobile phone. Something that meant quite a lot to me. It showed that he trusted me enough with a small portion of his personal information enough to give it to me within hours of meeting me. How sweet. 

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