Meeting Him

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"Shit shit shit shit!" I shouted flinging my bags into the back of Haydens car.

"What now?" He groaned. He was going to be late for his work if I didn't hurry up. He worked several jobs but he didn't struggle to put 100% effort into all of them. He had many passions so being able to commit to all of them was something he valued about his life in London.

"I'm sorry! I was just annoyed at myself I stubbed my toe on the way out." I cursed again before getting in the front seat, scrambling in my bag to find the keys to my bakery.

"Right, you good? I really have to leave now." He tapped the steering wheel with his hand impatiently.

"Yes yes drive!" I gave him a thumbs up as I did a celebratory dance when I found my keys.

"We really need to get you a car." He tutted.

"Now why would I do that when I have you as my personal driver." I patted him on the cheek and laughed, turning on music.
"Have a good day!" He waved goodbye at me through his window as he drove off in a hurry.

I was always the first person to arrive at the shop. I deliberately made everyone's starting times about an hour or more later than mine so I could set up myself and greet my usual morning customers myself.
I opened the shop and went behind the counter. I put my bag underneath the till and set it up, I always left the same person on the till during the day so they could get to know the customers they would meet daily. I had 4 employees. 1 for the till, 1 co chef who worked with me, 1 to go around and collect things for customers and 1 to help costumers find certain things they wanted. That way everything fit perfectly.
I made a fresh batch of morning pastries for my usual customers and placed them either in bags or on plates, depending on what they normally took.

"Goodmornimg Charlotte! How are you this morning?" My favourite customer Shelby came in about 15 minutes later. She was an elderly woman who walked with a cane. She came every morning and I loved her so much.

"I'm great Shelby, yourself?"

"Not too bad not too bad." She hobbled to her favourite table and sat down.

"I have your usual here for you." I brought it over for her and she payed, I always ket her pay a little less than normal because she came everyday... and she was adorable.

"Thank you deary." She chuckled and happily tucked into her croissant with butter and jam and her morning cup cake that I make specially for a certain about of customers.

I went back to the counter and served customers as my usuals came and left. I greeted my employees as they came into work for the day and immediately did their jobs. We had a good atmosphere here!

Everything was peaceful for a minute while everyone was eating and working before 7 men came bustling into the shop making noise.

"This is a nice place! Should we ask to eat in?" A shorter man with ginger hair said to the other men.

"Yeah go for it Ethan." A muscular black man said. I recognised them all from somewhere but I wasn't sure where.

"Morning," Ethan said once he came up to the counter, "Could the 7 of us have a snack here?"

"Yeah no problem let me just set up a better place for you. I don't have anywhere for 7 but I do have room in the back if you'd like." My till girl, Emily offered.

"Yeah thats would be great actually." He tapped the counter and went back to his friends.

"Hey Oliver, set up tables and chairs for them in the back." Emily told the "product finder" to set it up.

I worked as the chef and waitress for the people who stayed to eat in because I liked getting to know my customers.
Oliver led the 7 men through to the back which had more privacy and got back to his job. I gave them a few minutes before going to get their orders.

"Hi I'm Charlotte, I'm the owner of this shop and I'll be your waitress for today. Can you tell me your names and what you would like?" I got out my notepad and paper.

"I'm Ethan, can I get the... breakfast muffin with blueberries and banana please."

"I'm Vik, can I get the pancakes and pan au chocolate?"

"I'm Jj, can I get the same as Ethan but with raspberries instead of banana. And do you have anything chocolaty?"

"I have homemade chocolate cake? Its early but I wouldn't judge you for getting a slice of cake this early in the day." I winked.

"Okay that please." He smiled happily.

"I'm Simon, can I get something shortbread like? I kind of fancy something like that."

"No problem, would you prefer something more sugary, fruity or chocolate?" I took down notes while I was making conversation.


"I have just the thing for you."

"I'm Tobi, could I get the chocolate waffles and do you have drinks? If so apple juice would be amazing."

"I'm Josh, I'll have the same as Ethan thanks."

"Hey I'm Harry," the last man spoke. He was younger than the others, you would tell in the way he held himself. I recognised his voice! I recognised all of their faces too, "Could I get the same as Simon please?"

"Yeah of course," I said thoughtfully then it hit me, " Oh my goodness did you call someone a silly bitch yesterday?"

"... yes why?" Harry said hesitantly.

"That may or may not have been me." I laughed. Even though he did annoy me, his face was far too friendly to stay mad at. Ill out it behind me, after all, he was paying for me to feed him, wasn't he.

"Oh no really? You shouldn't have called me  a jackass then!" He chuckled, half joking half not.

"Forgive and forget when I feed you?" I smiled at him. He was such a good looking man! He had fluffy hair and he was in a hoodie. They were all wearing hoodie that had the same SDMN on them. Oh my god!!!! How couldn't I see it before!!! If the names weren't enough of a give away!!! I was personally serving the SIDEMEN! Oh woah.

I just found out I was servive some of the most popular YouTubers in the UK... and I had called one of them ... a.... jackass...

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