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I didn't move for the majority of the night and neither did he. The only time either of us did move was when he was challenged to box JJ or have a dance off with Ethan and then he came right back to me. I liked watching how Harry interacted with each of them. As he was the youngest and Josh was the oldest they had an adorable father son relationship and they made fun of one another all the time. It was cute. JJ and Harry together were like the naughty kids at the play park who wont stop chucking those little pieces of bark on the floor around. Harry and Ethan were similar but they were constantly laughing together. I liked seeing them so happy. Harry, Vik and Tobi were relatively calm but he always made them laugh until Tobi was bending over laughing and Vik's eyebrows reached his hairline in shock at his dark humor jokes. Harry and Simon were like cunning teenagers who always had something going on to prank someone else in the group. Several times they took turns jump scaring JJ who screamed like he was getting slaughtered. 

"Are you always like this?" I whispered to Harry.

"Yeah," He said then I watched his face drop, " Do you want us to calm down? I know they'll settle down a bit more if I ask!" 

He started to move as if he was going to ruin all of their fun because of me.

"No no no I'm enjoying it! Please stay." I put my hand on his leg to keep him beside me and he got comfortable again.

"Look at you two lovebirds." Ethan sat on Harry's lap forcing me to get out of the way a little. I didn't mind at all. I loved seeing a bunch of grown men act like children and having fun together, it was endearing. 

"Not lovebirds. They're an old married couple." Simon teased.

"An even more older couple than Ancient god Josh and his crippled Queen Freya?" Harry jumped up, knocking Ethan off him and pushing Josh a little.

"HEY!" Josh burst out laughing, as did everyone else. They all ran to the middle and started wrestling one another together. I sat on the couch hugging the massive bear Harry brought over for me. I watched them have fun with one another and thinking to myself 'I could get used to this.' 


"What do you want to eat?" JJ asked me, picking up his phone to call a take out.

"Oh I have no idea!" I looked over the menu Vik passed me and chose a pizza.

"Okay no problem, you come with me to pick the stuff up?" JJ asked and I agreed. 

We started playing a board game before JJ stood up dramatically and announced that him and I were going to be leaving. Harry walked us to the door.

"Just stay with JJ okay? He knows exactly where to go." Harry took my hand.

"Don't worry Bog, I'll take good care of your woman." JJ promised and opened the door for me before going out onto the cold streets of London, "Are you having fun? I know we can be a bit boisterous."

"I'm having an amazing time. I was nervous earlier but now that I've spent time with all of you I'm really enjoying it."

"Why were you nervous?" He asked surprised.

"Because you're all a lot higher and more important than me! Also you're 7 men a lot older than me."

"Harry isn't much older than you I don't think," He paused, "You feel safe right? Because if you feel uncomfortable with us alone you can go!"

"No! I just meant that I'm normally around girls or Hayden, my roommate, so I'm not used to this type of company. I feel very safe! Harry is making sure of it." I looked away, blushing at the thought of our almost constant contact during the evening.

"You know once we left your cafe he wouldn't stop talking about you. He kept saying he felt bad and that he hoped you would forgive him." he chuckled at the memory, "Obviously you have forgiven him."

We looked at one another knowingly.

"I like him." I confessed.

"I think he likes you too!" JJ patted my back, "Here we are."

He gestured to a small take out place and let me go in first. 

A café in LondonWhere stories live. Discover now