The Table

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The boys all sat around the table making conversation. Harry dipped in and out of each situation, attempting to help me make steaks for them. After he got far too frustrated with himself I made him wait until there was plating to be done and he could arrange the lay out of the food. 

"Thanks for doing this Charlotte," Simon piped up, "JJ was planning on getting a take out tonight and honestly I wasn't fancying anything. This is going to be a nice change."

"Awh no problem! I thought you could all have a nice relaxed evening with Harry and I. Do normally all hang out as a group and have girls around?" I asked.

"Not often no. I think not many of them can handle JJ's volume!" Ethan punched JJ's arm playfully.

"Says you Mr Chicken laugh!" JJ punched him back. 

They all laughed at one another. I loved the dynamic of the group. They all felt comfortable around one another, and even though I had just met them a few days ago, I felt comfortable around them too. 

"Right here we go. Here's your steaks Vik, Ethan and JJ. The rest are coming in a minute." Harry passed them their food proudly. They all patted his back after noticing it was definitely him who had plated the food. He walked over to me proudly. 

"I'm really happy with it. Are you?" He rubbed my shoulders, looking for the validation. 

"It looked good! Right get 3 more plates out, we've got the rest almost ready." I waved him off in a cute way. He beamed at me before getting more plates and arranging the food on them again. I put mine and his in while he went over and gave the food to Tobi, Josh and Simon. They all made approving noises while eating. It was always nice when someone appreciated your food, these men certainly did. 

"Come on then." Harry pointed at one of the two spare seats and ordered me to sit down. I obeyed and blushed when he brought my food over. He made eye contact the whole time, I noticed some smile lines beside his eyes. He really was a beautiful man. I felt so privilaged to be able to say I've kissed him more than once and his friends seem to like me. 

A few of them awhed at his actions and I looked around. Ethan was looking at me in a confused way.

"Is everything alright Ethan?" I said and he shook his head as if he had zoned back in from a hallucination. 

"Yeah yeah I'm fine." He looked away almost instantly and started eating again. I looked at Harry who shrugged and took his place at the table.

The conversation was fun! We talked about foods we liked and favourite videos they've done and normal JJ conversation (you can imagine what we talked about). There was something about they way they talked that was so riveting you could strike up a small subject and get so many different opinions and ways of looking at it but also Harry and JJ would throw in some random thing halfway through the conversation which would deter it to something completely different.

"I heard we're going to be having cake!" Tobi licked his lips in anticipation. 

"Yes, I just need to add a final touch and then it'll be on it's way." I got up and went back to the kitchen. Everything was decorated I just wanted to make it clear where it was going to be separated so I got a knife and made small lines in the frosting, signaling the separate parts and what each of them would be eating.

"Someone help me bring this over to the table please!" I yelled. Harry looked up with a mouthful of steak and gestured to Ethan to do it for me. 

"Oh my god this is amazing!" He laughed loudly when he came over, "You've really outdone yourself with this Charlotte." He patted my lower back and it sent a shiver down my spine. 

"Thanks Ethan." I wriggled away to get smaller plates and forks. 

Ethan lugged the slightly large cake to the middle of the table and they all cracked up once they saw the section of decoration dedicated to them. I brought over the knife and once they had all taken pictures of the cake, I cut it and divided it amongst the eager men. I brought the knife back to the sink and Ethan followed with the cake board.

"It's such a good cake Charlotte." He stood beside me. I peered towards him and gasped once I noticed how close his face was to mine. I took a step back and thanked him. Going back to the table I watched as Harry's eyes were fixed on Ethan, who seemed unfazed. Was there some kind of tension between them/

Was I the some kind of tension?  

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