The journey begins

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"Afternoon Paxton, thanks for opening the shop for me." I hurried into the shop a little later than I had intended to. 

Paxton didn't say anything back he just jerked his head to the left and grinned. I looked to where he gestured to see Harry beaming at me. He rose from his seat and came over to me. 

"Good afternoon. I was talking to Paxton and he said he can handle the cafe on his own for the day. Want to spend time together?" He asked. 

"Are you sure that's alright? You can handle the orders without me?" I squinted at Paxton, asking for permission. 

"Yes! Go and have a fun day with your man and I'll make sure to lock everything up." He assured me . I linked arms with Harry and we left my cafe. 

"Where do you want to go? We can go anywhere you want." He opened the car door for me. I got inside and thought for a moment. Where did I want to go? OH I know! 

"Why don't we go to the shops. I'll get some ingredients and I'll bake a cake for you and your friends? Why don't you invite them around tonight and I'll serve food and cake?"

"You'll cook and bake for us?" He sounded confused.

"No, I'll bake and you'll help me cook." I laughed at him. 

"What? I aint a good cook, the only thing I could cook is a full English and even then I'll end up burning the bacon." 

"Well, you'll be able to have some help with cooking." I snickered at his doubt. He sighed.

"I would love that." I half lied. I knew he wouldn't want to cook but he would want to spend time with me. 

We drove to a Tesco and Harry got out of the car first and, yet again, held the car door open for me to get out. I followed him as we went to get a trolley of which he pushed around. Once we entered the Tesco we went to the baking section. I knew what cake I wanted to make. It was a chocolate one with decorative frosting.

"Tell me one thing each of them like and I know what I'm going to do." I turned to Harry and his forehead show signs of concentration. 

"JJ likes boxing, Tobi likes apple juice, Simon likes Pokemon, Ethan likes fitness, Josh likes Freya, Vik likes minecraft and I guess I like... fifa." He listed all his friends off. 

I had a mental image of what I was going to do so I picked up colours of frosting that I could decorate the cake with. 

"Brilliant, you call them all and invite them around for dinner and a movie night. It's going to be good. Get them to come around for 6." I told him and he brought out his phone. So he obeys easily? Sweet. 

While he called the boys I started walking around the shop getting ingredients for the meal. We would make a steak and some roast potatoes. Obviously other things too but I didn't want to overwhelm Harry. He seemed like the type of person who would enjoy eating the food more than the creation of it. Which was okay, meant if we were ever in a relationship I could spoil him with baked goods all the time! He followed me around while I picked up things that I wanted. I got to the counter but before I could pay he cut in front of me, holding out his card.

"Harry? What are you doing, I can pay for it it's okay!" I pulled his arm back.

"Hunny, I thought you were going to want to go out and look at things around London and I was more than ready to pay for all the things you wanted to do. Let me get this." He handed over his card and I reluctantly started packing the bags while he finished the payment. 

We picked up the bags and headed to the car. He drove me to his house and unlocked the front door "Welcome to my humble abode."

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