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"It's been weird not having contact with you." Harry was the first one to say something. 

"Yeah, I haven't enjoyed being away from you." I was still a little hazy but he didn't seem to mind, he kept his hand on the small of my back, to catch me if I were to fall. 

"And who's fault is it that we had to separate?" He looked down on me condescendingly.

"I know I know I'm so sorry! I don't know what came over me it wasn't like I wanted it to happen, I think Ethan took advantage of me." I shook my head.

"Oh he definitely did but he isn't the type of man to do that. He just really likes you and I know that he was only trying to get close to you, in whatever way he could. Me and him have sorted it out now. Tobi thought it was only fair I try to fix our relationship as Ethan was the one who really caused the damage, don't you think?" He put his arm fully around me now and my heart rate quickened. 

"But I was the one getting close to you, close enough to date and then I ruined it! It's my fault that I got so drunk. I should've stayed with you."

"I was the one who left you alone! If I had kept you beside me everything would've been fine. I think we are both partly to blame. If I had been with you and totally gotten it into Ethan's head that you were totally and utterly mine maybe I could've prevented you sleeping with him." He remarked, guiltily. I stopped walking and held him completely still. Taking both his hands and looking him deep in the eyes I said the most meaningful thing I had said in a long time.

"Harry, you are the most perfect man I have ever met. There is no way you are to blame at all. you are entirely innocent and Ethan and I are the only ones in this situation that made mistakes. I am so guilty for everything I did, even though I didn't know I was doing it. I do not expect you to forgive me, honestly I wouldn't forgive me if I had done what I did." I sighed.

"Ugh Charlotte," He took my waste and came close to me, "I've missed holding you, being with you, laughing with you and, honestly, touching you." 

His breathing got deeper. Could it be possible that Harry was on his way to forgiving me? There was nothing more I could do, I've apologized. 

"I've missed it too." I looked up at him innocently, his eyes were closed.

He shook his head as if he was debating something silently in his head. I was shocked when he grabbed the back of my neck and brought my lips into his, kissing me feverishly. We breathed in one another. His scent surrounded me and for a moment I felt peace, passion and conflict all at once.

"Does this mean I'm forgiven?" I mumbled into the kiss.

"Just.... let me get this out of my system first." He lifted me up, somewhat cradling me and he started to walk off. We kissed the whole time he was walking. 

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