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"Y/n/n wake up on we're leaving in two hours, you friends will come over in one hour" I'm woken up from my agreeable sleep by my brother's voice and his hand shaking me sweetly. He's always been a super sweet and caring brother, he is one of my bestfriend, for me there is nobody better to grow up with.  Every time I have a problem he would always listen to me, like the time I was bullied in school because of what I have between my legs when I was 8 years old, he was the only one who had the power to cheer me up with my mom and my friends.
I slightly opened my eyes adjusting them to the light of the room, I saw the figure of Alex's face on top of me watching me with love (brother and sister love chill out perverts)
"Hey Alex"
"hey y/n" he greeted me back before making his way out because he know I like privacy when I just wake up. But before escaping the room he said
"Oh and I almost forgot, you have a little problem down here if you see what I say" I darted my eyes toward my bare right leg and saw really visible print inside my shorts, god why did morning hardness exist.

I went into the shower and jerked off during it. I putted cologne and did my skin routine. I need to comfy during the flight so I putted that on

A grey sweater with grey jogging and long whit socks with white af1 and a white t-shirt

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A grey sweater with grey jogging and long whit socks with white af1 and a white t-shirt.

I wade my way downstairs and saw Alex preparing breakfast and I heard the shower running which I assumed was my mom.
"Bro what's that outfit, it's chaotic" he said
"Yeah I know that's not my best but I just want to be comfy during the flight and you will suffer"
"Yeah but at least I'm on fleek" he responded.

"Bro what's that outfit, it's chaotic" he said "Yeah I know that's not my best but I just want to be comfy during the flight and you will suffer""Yeah but at least I'm on fleek" he responded

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"But won't you miss RV?"
"He is coming to and we're finally moving together" he sighed in relief. I went to him and did our signature hug an hand shake.


30 minutes later I heard a big knock on the door, I went to open and saw all my friends, we did a group hug and I closed the door but almost immediately there was another knock. I opened the door a new time and saw RV Alex's boyfriend

"Hey RV""Hey y/n/n" he greeted me and did a quick hug with only one arm

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"Hey RV"
"Hey y/n/n" he greeted me and did a quick hug with only one arm.
"God why is everyone dressing fancy for plane" I screamed clearly exhausted.
"Yeah we might be uncomfortable during flight but when we'll be in Korea we'll be on fleek" RV said
"My baby's right" alex spoke and back hugged his boyfriend.
"Aaarg to much PDA bro" I covered my eyes.
"You're just jealous because you are singllllle" alex teased me sticking his tongue out.
"Shut up you dork"
"Wow you're so mean" he said back and I hit him on the head.

"Guys do you at least know how to speak Korean?" I asked them
"A-an-annyeonghaseya?" Billie said
"annyeonghaseyo" I answered and broke down laughing.
"You're lucky they speak good english, with a big accent but still understandable" I calmed them down because they started to freak out.
"Hunny we need to go" my mom said
"Okayyy, korea here we come" bastian spoke and I giggled.


We were on the plane, Billie and jahseh were cuddling, they are just friends Billie is lesbian and jahseh have a girlfriend. Gustav, Joseph and bastian are watching a movie while me and henry are talking and making jokes.
"You heard about the new restaurant called karma" he asked I shook my head
"There is no menu, you get what you deserve" he said and I giggled.
"Ok,ok I have one" I announced
"Did you heard about the claustrophobic astronaut?" He shook his head.
"He just needed a little space" he bursted in laughter even if that was not that funny.
"I'm gonna take a quick nap" he said and lowered his head.

I looked on my left side and saw Alex and RV cuddling, alex kept adjusting him self on his seat.
"I told you you had to choose an other outfit because you're not good in them it's obvious."
He looked back at me a raised his hand in the air ready to hit be but I quickly dogged it because I made martial arts all my life and I was in the French army for two years, the army changed me a lot physically and mentally.  I am more muscular then before

  I am more muscular then before

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(With a lot of scars and boobs)

And mentally well, before enrolling I was really more funny, my friends say that I laughed less since I came back. So it really suck. But I'm thinking about enrolling again.

I plugged my headphones and putted music for the two hours that remained.

My playlist:

Ta reine - angele
Mortel - koba lad
Du-ddu-du-ddu - blackpink
As if it's your last - blackpink
Dark horse - katy Perry
No time to die - Billie eilish
Whistle - blackpink
How you like that - blackpink
Kill this love - blackpink


I woke up when we landed with my music still playing in my ears. I saw my friends starting to take there stuff so I did the same still with a sleepy head and sore body because of the position I was.
"Welcom to world sleepy head" Joseph teased me and I slapped his head
"Owww what was that for?"
"I just wanted to do it"
"Well kang y/n you're a bastard"
"And you're dog" I responded sticking out my tongue and my middle finger at him.
"Kids stop playing, y/n surveil your language" my mom warned me with her finger pointed at me, when she do that I know I have to listen to her because even my two years in the army wouldn't help me against be hitting on the back of the neck by her.

"Ok so our uber is waiting for us at the front of the airport." momy said
"Okayy" we responded in unison and started to run.
Jahseh won the race to the uber, I finished second and henry was the last one.
"Do you have something to excuse you from being bad at running" I asked him like he was interviewed
"I do taekwondo, I dont need to run"
"Well yes but everyone normal constituted should be able to run" Bastian said
"I was running" he defended himself
"Well, no" billie said
"Close your mouth you finished one place in front of me"
"But I still finished before" she teased him.
He started to purchase her while she was running and screaming for her life
"Henry run faster" Gustav yelled
And henry raised his hand and do a 'are you crazy or blind' face.

"Kiddos climb into the car please" momma said
"Oki" I said and we climbed and bastian closed the door.

A chapter a little longer

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