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It's been one week since I woke up and I'm already feeling better, I can't walk by myself but it's improving. The nurse said I'll be able to go back to home tomorrow if I can walk.
"Lisaaaaa baby~~~" I whined making her look up from her phone.
"What bub, are you okay, do you need anyt-" she said rapidly but I cutted her off by shaking my hand and chuckling.
"Calme down jeez, I just want to try walking cause I want to go back home and cuddle with you while eating pizza"  I pouted and she kissed my lips.
"Stop pouting it makes me want to kiss them lips" she said so I pouted even more and she laughed desperately.
"Stand up, I'll catch you if you fall"
"Okayyyy" I responded. I sat up without help cause it is easier than walking, the single problem is the stitches around my legs hurts like a motherfucker. I got up and started moving my legs one after one, at about 5 steps I stopped and looked at lisa
"See, I can walk now so we can go home tomorrow" as I said that my knees buckled under myself and I falled. I shutted my eyes waiting for the
impact with the floor to come but I never felt it so I opened my eyes and saw lisa holding me by my hips, I smiled sweetly at her and she did the same.
"I said you I'll catch you if you fall" she said and I nodded. She lifted me up on my feet and placed tiny kisses on my forehead, then my cheeks, my nose, my chin and lastly a long and passionate kiss on my lips. She pulled away and snuggled her face in the crook of my neck.

"I love you y/n, so much" my heart fluttered at those three words 'I love you', that is the first time she said that to me, a feeling that I was not used to came inside me, it was the sensation of being warm inside my whole body, a feeling of satisfaction, of relief, I just realized right now that she truly love me and not use me for my body like all my exes, that's at this moment that I realized, that's it she is the one. You know some people say, everyone have a part inside of them missing and need their plus one, well that's at that moment that I realize, I finally find my plus one. The person I need to spend the rest of my life with is right there in my arms, her tiny figure even more perfect than all you could possibly imagine.

She teaches torchlight to illuminate. Her beauty hangs in the face of the night like a rich jewel in the ear of an Ethiopian. Beauty too precious for possession, too exquisite for the earth. Like the snow dove in a troop of Crows, such appears this young lady in the midst of her companions. This cuddling over, I will spy on the place where she is standing, and I will give my coarse hand the happiness of touching hers. Had my heart loved until now? No, swear my eyes. Because until this evening, I had not seen the true beauty.
(If you didn't understand this paragraph ask me I will explain it to you.😉)

"Lisa..." I said
"I love you even more"
She looked up at me with teary eyes and a bright smile on her face.
"Why do you cry?" I asked worriedly
"Don't worry babe, that's not sad tears that's happy ones" she chuckled and I bent down to plant a huge and loving kiss on her perfect, soft lips that have a strawberry mixed with a hint of honey taste, a flavor that my body will never be bored of.


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I love you all💕 - author

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