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We went to the pool, lisa already started undressing, she jumped in the pool making a big splash, I slid off my t-shirt leaving my abs on display, I took off my pants, so I'm only in my boxer cause I didn't had a bra under my shirt, I putted my hands at the hem off my boxer but I was hesitant about taking it off cause I'm not very confident about y/n. Jr.
"Hey y/n it's ok, I'v already seen it" lisa said reassuring me, I know what you're thinking she is right she already saw it so why are you shy? But when she saw it I was already naked and she came into the shower, and I was putting my hands in front of it most of the time.
"If you don't do it I'll do it myself" she sighed and came closer, I stumbled back when she approached her hands from my crotch
"Ho ho ho what are you doing?!" I asked in disbelief covering my lower parts with my hands
"What? You couldn't do it yourself so I tried to do it" she said then approached me even more before I stopped her
"Okay okay I'll do it myself" I said she backed away,I lowered my boxer and let it slid all the way down my legs

she suddenly pulled me under the water, I pull my head out of the water slowly while spitting some from my mouth, lisa was a laughing mess, she was laughing so loud that she fell and her head went into the water instantly calming her, this was my time to laugh because of her reaction.
"That's not funny!" She protested crossing her arms
"What? You did the same with me" I said back, she putted her head down while chuckling
"Alright, come here I want to cuddle" she extended her arms for me so I snuggled myself in her, my head in the crook of her neck and my arms attached around her waist.

"Y/n, tomorrow morning I'll go to my dorm cause I'm gonna to do a V LIVE with the girls, is that ok with you?" She asked, I furrowed my eyebrows
"Yeah it's totally okay why ar you asking me?" I said
"I just...you just go out of the hospital, I was just making sure that you'll be ok without me" I giggled at her words
"Yes of course I'll be okay, I'm not a baby...but you'll come back in the afternoon?" I asked curiously pinching my chin
"Yes I promise, and you know I called my manager while cooking and he said that I can  announce our relationship on Instagram tomorrow" she said proudly while some stars found their way to my eyes
"Really?!" I asked while my mouth was hanging open
"Yes" she giggled, I throw my arms around her neck hugging her like my life depends on it.
"I gonna do the V LIVE in the morning, then around lunch time I'm gonna announce our relationship and in the evening we're gonna so a V LIVE together at your house" she proposed and I nodded eagerly, she hugged me back and I replaced my head in the crook of her neck.


"Baby?" Lisa asked
"Do you think about enlisting again?" She asked again sadly, I looked down thinking even if I already have the answer
"No, I don't think so, I want to stay a maximum with you" her smile reappeared on her beautiful face
"Thank you baby" she said and placed a gentle tiny kiss on my lips
"I love you lisa"
"I love you even more y/n"


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Don't forget to drink water❤

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