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Lisa POV

I arrived at the hospital under the flash of the cameras and the many questions coming from the paparazzi

"Lisa why are you here?"

"Lisa who you come see?"

"Lisa why did you leaved the concert?"

I kept on walking till I arrived in front of her door, in front if the door of the room I'v been spending all my free time.

I entered without knocking, as soon as I was inside I saw a old woman and a old man sitting beside y/n with teary eyes.
"Oh hello, you should be the girl Anna told me about, I'm sally y/n's grandmother" she bowed and I did the same
"Anf I'm Patrick her grandfather" he bowed too, while I nodded.
"I'm lisa, y/n's girlfriend"
"Her girlfriend we know and we totally support you two even if I don't really know you and your relationship with our y/n we support you, being a girl and liking girls is normal I dont know why some people think the contrary" sally explained and while me and Patrick nodded along
"And in some domain we do not mix girls and boys so why shouldn't it be the same for love, girls with girls and boys with boys" Patrick said and we laughed.

I sat beside y/n and took her cold hand in mine, I hung my head in sadness and closed my eyes.
I was thinking about some stuff when I felt a little squeeze in my hand where y/n's one was placed. I quickly shot up my head looking at her with wide eyes.
"What happened lisa?" Sally asked
"I felt her squeeze my hand I swear to god" I said fast while approaching my face from y/n's one. I fixed her eyes and saw her eyelids moving a little, her eyes opened a little but she quickly shut them scrunching her nose.
"OH MY GOD Y/N!" I screamed and let some tears coming out of my eyes, I quickly hugged her as tight as I could and I heard her giggled I missed this sound so much.
"Hey Princess" she said, I missed so much her voice that hearing it again send tingles in my whole body, it sounded like gold glitter falling from the sky.
"I missed you so so so so much y/n you can't imagine how much I needed you, I realized during those weeks without you how much you're already important in my life" she chuckled while she sat up, she groan a little and I made a concerned face
"What?" I asked
"Just, every muscle in my body hurts" she smiled.
"It's okay baby just rest" I patted her forehead.

A nurse came in to check y/n's perfusion and to take her off the splint she had on her arm.
"What happened?" She asked
"You had a car crash" I explained while she nodded.
"Did the driver survived?" She said and I sighed
"Unfortunately no..."
"What do you mean 'unfortunately' fortunately he died that dude tried to rape me" she huffed and crossed her arms over her chest. I placed my hand over my mouth and quickly hugged her while whispering loving words in her ears until she fell asleep but in a good way now.


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