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I was laying on my bed with lisa sleeping on top of me, cute little snors coming out of her mouth, the few months has been exhaustive so I understand why she kept on yawning, sleeping and cuddling with me and that's normal, she's been stressed for me during almost two months, I blame myself so much for doing this to her.

I heard the sound of the door opening and saw sandy the nurse that was taking care of me during my coma.
"Y/n I have something to tell you, can you wake up her please" she asked
"Yes of course" I answered. I approached my face from lisa's a started deposit some sweet kisses on her forehead, temple, each cheeks, nose, chin and for the last her kissable lips. I heard a grunt coming from my lover's mouth, I looked up to her eyes to see those beautiful brown orbs fluttering open.
"Hey babe" she said with a raspy voice
"Hey baby, sandy wanted to say us something she asked me to wake you up sowwy" I pouted and she quickly kissed my pout
"It's not a big deal, I was starting to wake up anyways" she said and I nodded.
"So y/n you're able to  go home in two hours, go change your clothes and sign the paper you need to go out" she explained and left the room so I can change. Lisa was so happy that one of the biggest smiles I ever seen was planted on her face, I hugged her tightly and went to the back with clothes lisa brought from home.
I took off the blue hospital t-shirt that smelled a horrible mix of hospital food aka plastic, sweat, dirt and different human fluids, I cringed my nose at that nasty smell while continuing taking it off. I looked at my bare chest in front of the mirror, I had even more scars than before, a huge burn mark on my hips, a scar that started from my boobs to my v-line. I sighed at the sight of my body, I finally was regaining confidence in my body and all that work was ruined in so little time. I felt someone hugging my back and putting their chin on my shoulder, I looked up and saw lisa watching me with eyes full of sympathy and adoration.
"I love your body y/n, don't be ashamed of it, you're beautiful in any ways, you're perfect, no one can surpass you" she said to me and I cracked a little smile.
"Yes but the scars, they're ugly why do they have to be here" I complained pouting sadly, she did a quick peck on my lips and responded
"You know what, I found your scars really sexy, they suits you perfectly" I giggled and she hugged me tighter.
"Now dress up I don't want anyone to see what's mine" she said with a cocky smile erupting a big and ugly laugh from me
"SEE! I made ya smile, I'm the best girlfriend, say it" she ordered cutely.

I putted on that fit

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(Without the cap, but you can keep it if you want)

"Y/n you're ready?" I heard sandy at the other side of the door
"Yes, I'm coming" I went out of the room still limping a little but lisa was holding me so I could walk.

I went in front of the office for the discharge paper, I sign them and we went to the van waiting for us.
"Bye bye hell!" I screamed when I placed a foot out while waving.


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