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I woke up still with lisa in my arms, I got up and went to the dressing, I looked around finding a outfit for the day.

I woke up still with lisa in my arms, I got up and went to the dressing, I looked around finding a outfit for the day

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(Without the cap but you can keep it if you want)

I went downstairs to prepare the breakfast for me and lili.

I was already cooking when I felt arms sneaking around my waist, I looked behind me and saw lisa's face inches from mine, she had a sleepy face but a big smile plastered on her angelic head.

"Hey baby" I said kissing her lips, she reciprocated it.

"What are doing for breakfast?" She asked with a very tired voice.

"Egg with rice, soy sauce, green onions, katsobushi and dashi" I explained, she licked her lips and did a mini dance in joy. She back away after leaving a few kisses on my neck. She went on the couch and turned on the TV.

I finished to cook and putted the bowl in front of lisa while she licked her lips and immediately jumped on the bowl.

"Oh my gochd itch cho good" she mumbled with food inside her mouth, I giggled and wiped some egg from the corner of her mouth and licked it from my thumb while lisa started at me in a daze

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"Oh my gochd itch cho good" she mumbled with food inside her mouth, I giggled and wiped some egg from the corner of her mouth and licked it from my thumb while lisa started at me in a daze.

"Mmh, I tought about it when I was in bed, what do you think about coming with me to the dorm and be with me and the girls during the live?" She asked
"Cause I don't want to be without you" she pouted, I took her chin between my fingers and pressed a big kiss on her lips.

"I would love to, so finish eating and we'll go when we're ready" I said
"Okay" she answered with a cute voice.


Lisa just finished taking her shower, I was in front of the door waiting for her when she came back from upstairs.

Lisa just finished taking her shower, I was in front of the door waiting for her when she came back from upstairs

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My mouth hang open when I saw how gorgeous she was.

"Staring is not very polite you know love?" She said with a grin taking my chin between her fingers.

"I-I was not staring, don't see what you're talking about" I spluttered, she giggled with a hum coming from her mouth.

"Yeah, yeah. Anyways come the van's already here" she told me while going towards the car, I followed her and sat by her side.


We just arrived to the dorm, the girls were preparing themselves for the live, I waited on the couch next to the phone scrolling through Instagram on my own. Lisa arrived with jisoo and sat next to me.

They started the live and immediately thousands of people joined it, they greeted them, asked them how was their day and many others.


It been already 30 minutes that the live begun and I felt a little dizzy because of tiredness, I looked at the screen to see if they can see lisa's laps but they didn't so I slowly laid my head on her tights, the sudden contact made goosebumps on lisa's legs, she looked down at my face with a surprised face, we locked eyes then she rose back her head to watch the comment and answer to some of them.

But suddenly the phone falls of where it was so you could see a little bit of my face on the screen, but neither of us remarked it cause my eyes where closed, jisoo was too busy talking to lisa.

Jisoo started to look another time at the comments but they seemed strange

Random: lisa who is this?

Random: is it me or there is someone on lisa's laps?

Random: isn't that y/n?

Random: lisa who's the guy laying on your laps?

Random: how dare you touching my lisa?!

"Uh lisa, you need to see this" jisoo said, hesitation filled her voice, lisa looked up from my face to jisoo with a questioning look.
"Read to comments" jisoo commanded her, she nodded and read the comments.

She scoffed and looked at me, I looked up and quickly understood when I looked at the screen from my place, I tried to walk away but lisa grabbed my hand making me fall on her laps another time.

"Ouch, no need to make me fall" I whined rubbing my ass.

"Yes I know but that's not my fault if you don't have the sense of balance" she said while I glared at her.

Lisa tried to calm the people in the chat down but everyone kept on commenting, asking who I am, whining about how they want to be at my place and other trying to convince themselves that we're only friends.

Lisa took my shoulders on her both hands and yanked me in front of the screen.
"Guys some of you know who this is but some of you don't, so this is y/n you all thought that she is a boy and that's quite funny, every night we laugh reading your comments. So yeah y/n's a girls but she is not only a girl, she is also my.......girlfriend" she admitted, I smiled at her when I saw her shy face.

We waited to the people's reaction when a huge amount of comment came at the same time.

Random: OMG! I NEW IT!

Random: wait, wait, wait so since all this time y/n was a girl?!

Random: I guess I can reactivate my ship fanacount...

Random: I want a kiss!

Random: don't you dare still MY lisa!

Random: KISS!!

Random: if you're happy, I'm happy lili

We read the comments giggling to some of them but most of then wanted a kiss and lisa noticed it.

"You want a kiss?" She asked the blinks and they almost all agreed.
"Okay" lisa said, she grabbed my jaw firmly in her right hand and brought our faces closer until our lips collided in a slow but loving kiss. She brushed her tongue against my lower lips asking for entrance but I declined and separated our mouth from each other.

"Don't be too eager, we're on live" I laughed at her behavior, she pouted and I placed a quick kiss on her lips one more time before looking back to the phone.

Random: OMG!

Random: lisa seems so needy

Random: they're so cute

Random: I-Im horny

"Anyways guys we have to end the live" jisoo said while waving at the camera, lisa and me also waved toward it.
"Bye blinks" they said in unison and jisoo ended the live.

"Uhhhhh, what do you want to do now?" Lisa asked, I shrugged my shoulder trying to find something to do.
"How about some cuddle on the couch while watching frozen waiting for dispatch to announce or relationship, I'm sure at 89% that there'll be an article about us in not even 2 hours" she proposed, I nodded and she went to the TV tuning it on and started playing frozen.


This chapter and the few other to come are the idea of AMITOOCOOLFORYOU thank youuu❤❤

more than a fan Lalisa Manoban X G!p ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now