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Lisa POV

The moment I saw y/n entering my happiness grew up even it was at his highest state because I love performing.
Right now I'm talking with the last blink in the file, I dont even know how I managed to have the balls to ask y/n to eat with me at the restaurant.

I was talking with the girl named Sally while I was watching y/n with the corner of my eyes. I saw her talking with someone on her phone, probably her friends.
"Well bye sally"
"Bye lisa, it was the best day in my life"
"Thank you" she walked out. After I made sure everyone was out I went to see y/n, I saw her at the same place as earlier. She still hadn't noticed me so I walked behind her and covered her eyes with my hands.
"Who is this" I asked
"Lisa, I know you're voice" she sighed and giggled.
"You're not funny" I pouted. She laughed and rubbed my shoulder erupting butterflies in my stomach and making my cheeks goes red.
"What do you want to do?" She asked
"Can we go to a restaurant please I'm starving?"
"Yeah I'm starving too"

We went inside the uber and drove to the luxurious restaurant of Seoul. We took a seat and waited for the waiter. Finally he came and started ordering our food.


When we ordered the waiter kept eyeing lisa's cleavage and I noticed that she was uncomfortable about this.
"Can you please focus on her eyes when you're talking to her please" I asked politely because I dont want to broke his skull right now.
"Yeah, yeah" he shook his hand toward me as a 'I don't care what you saying' manner and that make my blood boiled even more. He continued to watch her cleavage and I saw a minuscule bulge in his pant.
"Bastard her eyes are up there, I swear to god if you dont stop looking at her boobs I'm gonna break you in two"I hit the table with my fist.
"Oh and you're dick is little" I teased him.
"Really, if I keep watching you're gonna break me... but what if I touch?" As those words he putted his disgusting hand on lisa's precious boobies. That was to much, I got up and punched him in the jaw not to hard to knock him out but enough to leave a beautiful mark. He held the place I hit and threw an other punch at me but I dodged it, almost immediately he punched me on the stomach erupting a big groan from my mouth. He took my head and started hitting my nose and stomach with his knees. I grabbed his leg and threw him on the ground and stomped on his face, chest and belly. I laid him on the stomach and held his right arm behind his back and broke it, he screamed. But he turned us around and hit my head with his head making me feel dizzy. He tried multiple punch in my face until I was totally covered in blood. I quickly regained my mobility and my knee made contact with his head knocking him out.

He falled on me and I pushed his unconscious corpse beside me. At this point my face was covered in blood, I had a few broken ribs but not to horrible, I was coughing blood, my body was break and bruised all over my stomach. I saw all the people in the restaurant with fear wrote all over their faces I totally forgot them during the fight. I stood up with a lot of pain and saw lisa, she was sobbing her eyes out breaking my heart. She jumped on top of me hugging me with all the strength she has.
"I-I thought y-you were d-dead"
"I'm not bad enough to lose toward a bitch like him" I grunted my voice extremely raspy.
"Thank you" she said
"For what?"
"For defending me"
"That was normal, I would be a bitch if I didn't did that" I answered and she chuckled.
"What happened here?!"the patron of the restaurant asked while running to our side with other employees.
"Well, one of yours employees was harassing me sexually, my gir- my friend tried to defend me but got into a fight with him" lisa explained, I saw the guy's eyes went to see the waiter body and his face darkened but softened once he landed his eyes on me.
"We're sorry ma'am, really, you can use the toilet to clean yourself, I'm gonna fired him."
"Thank you sir" I said and he nodded his head.

"Come, put you harm around my neck, I'll help you walk to the toilets" lisa commended me. I did as she said and she lifted me up with the little amount of strength she had because all of it drained from her body by this fight. I walked with her, my foots to heavy for me to carry and my head to heavy and hurt to stay on place.

She placed me on the counter and took a paper, putted water on it with alcohol.
"Lift your shirt up please" I do as she told and lifted my shirt up my head. Her finger brushed against my skin while she was treating my wounds made me slightly hard. I didn't even felt the pain because I was focused on the beauty in front of me. She cleaned my face and I putted my nose in place, that was not the first time I broke my nose but putting it in place is one of the worst pain I ever experienced even more painful than a shot.

"Ok all clean" she said taking me out of my trance.
"O-ok" I stuttered
"Are you ok?"
"Yeah it's nothing just a little tired"
"I understand after the day you had, that's normal that you are tired. " she explained.
'God she is so perfect' I said in my head
"Well, thank you"
"W-what"I asked and she just chuckled
'Did I said that at loud?'
"Yes yes you did"
"God that's embarrassing, I'm so stupid"
She just laughed and we entered the uber.


We arrived in front of her house but it's to dark so I can't see it but I guess it's huge.
"Well I had a lot of fun" I said
"Yeah me too, except the fight part" sh giggled and I did to, she took my head between her hands
"But y/n please listen to me, promise to never start a fight by yourself or hurt yourself badly during one ok?" She whispered putting her forehead against mine
"I promise you lisa" with that she went to open her door but turned around and give me a really quick peck on the lips. I froze in my spot and she said before entering her house
"That's for your booboo on the lips"


I entered my house still with my fingers on my lips, I walked past jahseh's room and heard whispers from it I putted my hear on the door and listened
"When will it arrive?" I guess it was Billie
"Tomorrow" jah responded
"When will we tell y/n" Bastian asked
"When it will arrive, you go in and I tell her then join you," they all said ok and started walking toward the door so I quickly run to my room.

What I heard really ruined my night, I kept wonder what they have to tell me and what will arrive. But right now I needed to sleep so I my eyes closed even if I only had 2 hours of sleep.

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