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We were sitting on my bed ready to play 21 questions
"So I'll go first, what's your favorite color" she asked, good that will be easy if she only ask questions like that.
"Black, what is your favourit song"
"Mhhh, lose by niki"

15 minutes later

"Ok so last question, what's your sexuality" she asked
"Huuu, I-I'm lesbian" I stuttered
"Hoo me too" she said
"Really, I'v always troughs you were straight"
"Well, my manager don't want me too say it, same for rosé jisoo and jennie"
"So you're all lesbian?"

"So truth or dare, I ask first" she said
"Y/n truth or dare?"
"Humm dare" I answered
"Okay, go in the pool fully clothed"
"Arrg ok"
We went outside and I jumped in the pool, I screamed because it's cold and jumped on the edge of the pool panting while lisa is laughing her as off.
"Y-you should H-have seen your face"
"Hahaha, that's very funny" I said sarcastically.
"Come back in that's your turn" I spoke.


We just finished playing, we're laid down on my bed clearly exhausted, I changed of clothes because I was soaked.
"Do you want to watch Netflix?" Lisa asked
"Okay what do you want to watch?" I said
"A horror movie" She said excitingly.
I putted the film ouija origin of the devil

We were sitting next to each other but I noticed that step by step lisa came closer to me until our hands connected erupting butterflies in my stomach

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We were sitting next to each other but I noticed that step by step lisa came closer to me until our hands connected erupting butterflies in my stomach. Suddenly there was a jumpscar, lisa let out a cute little scream and jumped in my laps.
"Oh I'm sorry, is that ok if I stay like this?" She asked
"Yes it's good" she turned around so her back faced me and my arms were wrapped around her waist. She leaned her head on my shoulder.
There was a scene with a little girl who visibly scared lisa so I putted my hand on top of her head and she buried her face in the crook of my neck.
"You smell good" she said and I responded
"Well I smell pool"
"That means your pool smell good" she said back, I stifled a laugh and she laughed too.
"Can we go in the jacuzzi?" She asked
"Yeah, ok"
"But I don't have any swimsuit" she said
"Wait here"

I went into Billie's old room to see if she forgot a swimsuit somewhere but I found nothing.
"Do you have underwear on?" I asked
"Well yes but they're lace, that dont disturbs me but I dont want it to disturb you" she said
"No that's ok, it won't disturb me don't worry" I responded, there was a part of verity and a part of lie in what I just said, for me there was no problem but for my friend down here...he's probably gonna be a lil awake.
"Were can I change?" She asked
"In the bathroom, I'm gonna change in one of the others." I said.

She entered the bathroom and I went in the closer one. I putted on my swim trunk

 I putted on my swim trunk

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I went inside my room waiting for lisa to come out and she did after 2minutes in a black lace set making my mouth watered

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I went inside my room waiting for lisa to come out and she did after 2
minutes in a black lace set making my mouth watered.
"Y/n" she said with a eyebrow raised and her arms crossed
"Y-yes?" I quickly shoot up
"You're staring"
"Sorry I didn't noticed"
"Well Burberry and Calvin Klein, you're really rich"
"So this house was not enough to show you how much I have money", I said extending my arms.
"Yes of course it was" she giggled
"Come, follow me" I spoke and leaded her to the jacuzzi.
"Lady's first" I said making a move to tell to entered the jacuzzi.
"What a gentleman" she said giggling.
She sat down and I went next to her trying to calm my y/n.Jr and keeping my eyes away from her breast. Suddenly she spoke
"C-can we, like, cuddle?"
"Yes, come here" I said extending my arms for her to snuggle up. She took out her phone and captured a picture of our legs tangled together .

"Dude my legs are so gross" I said horrified "No stop said that, there's pretty,bub" she spoke and frowned

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"Dude my legs are so gross" I said horrified
"No stop said that, there's pretty,bub" she spoke and frowned.
"But wait those comments are so funny"

"They think I'm a guy" I said still looking at the comments but when I looked down I saw lisa still looking at me frowning with a cute mad expression "Stop changing the subject"she pouted "Stop with pouting it make me want to kiss them lips"I warn...

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"They think I'm a guy" I said still looking at the comments but when I looked down I saw lisa still looking at me frowning with a cute mad expression
"Stop changing the subject"she pouted
"Stop with pouting it make me want to kiss them lips"I warned her but she pouted even more
"If you want do it" she spoke and I looked back in her eyes, the her cute little lips, she did the same and I smirked. I took her head in my hands and crashed my lips into hers, we moved in synchro, her hands were wrapped around my neck massaging my scalp and mines were on her jaw. Her soft lips with the taste of strawberry fitted mine perfectly like a puzzle, like we're completing each other.

She pulled off, looked me in the eyes and said
"That was amazing y/n, can I, like, sleep here tonight?"
"Yes, of course" I responded and she snuggled up in my chest playing with the elastic of my bra but nothing sexual, just playing like cats.


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