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We were cuddling on the couch watching Netflix, lisa on top of me with her arms on each side of me holding my shoulders and mine around her waist
"Y/n, how long did the girls will be here?" She asked
"10 minutes, how do you want to tell them?" I said
"About us?"
"Well, rosé already thinks that we're together but the others don't think the same so when they'll be here I'll tell something like 'hey, y/n is my girlfriend' a normal sentence" she said and I must admitted it was a good idea

Maybe because that's the most normal way of saying it
The little voice in my head said
You're probably right I responded
I'm always right it said
Hoo don't be so pretentious .

I got out of my trance when lisa snapped her fingers in front of my face
"Hey babe, you alright?" She asked with a worried look on her face
"Yeah sorry I was lost in my thoughts" I answered and her look relaxed. She laid again her head on my boobs and hugged me.

A little later we heard my doorbell ringing
"Get off of me I'm gonna open the door" I said to lisa
"Noooo cary me" she whined
"Arrg fine" I sighed and putted my hands under her thighs picking her up with not a lot of efforts because she is not heavy.

I approached the tablet controlling all the doors and unlocked the front door, as I did that we heard a couple of laugh
"Damn they must be really loud because the entrance is not close" I said
"Nobody can surpass rose's high pitched laugh" lisa said giggling and I did too. We laid back on the couch and waited for the crazy girls to come where we are.

"Heyy love birds" jennie exclaimed and extended her arms while the two others  sat on the couch beside us
"So y/n you turned into a Male?" Jisoo asked and I bursted out laughing
"No, but that's funny because in reality I don't really look like a guy, right?" I asked nervously
"Nooooooo" rosé laughed and smirked so did the others. Lisa say beside me, cleared her throat and said
"I have an announcement, y/n is my girlfriend"
"Ommmmggg, I was right!" Rosé screamed while jisoo and jennie covered their ears.
"Rosé you're so loud, but anyways everyone was persuaded that you'll finish together" jennie said
"I want to see a kiss" jisoo said with her finger pointed at us
"Really?!" lili and me said at the same time.
"YES!!" they all exclaimed in unison, we looked in each other's eyes and smirked. Lisa approached me while I saw in the corner of my eyes the girls filming with mouth wide agape and big eyes. I approached lisa and we kissed during 3 seconds not heated but just a long smak.
"Oh.my.goooooood" they all exclaimed and we giggled
"you go very well together" jisoo said and we thanked her.

"When will you say it to the blinks?" Jisoo asked
"In one week during the concert, if that's ok with you babe?" She said
"Yes yes of course princess" I kissed her on the cheek, she was back facing me sat on my laps. Suddenly a thought came into my brain, how do I tell her about my dick.
"Oh and that will be perfect because my parents will be at our concert so you can meet them, we'll do it after so they'll be surprised during the show" she exclaimed excitedly and I nodded. I noticed that I'm still on pyjama so I went to change of clothes
"Guys, I'm gonna change my clothes because I'm in pyjama wait here" I informed them and rosé said
"Take lisa with you" I chuckled then walked away

I changed in this

I love nike but a little to much, so much that I brought this

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I love nike but a little to much, so much that I brought this

I went downstairs and saw everyone talking about how exited they were to perform, I sat  next to lisa and she went on my laps, I turned on my phone and saw a news about one of my old friends  Billie, apparently her song blew up, I'm happy for her ...

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I went downstairs and saw everyone talking about how exited they were to perform, I sat  next to lisa and she went on my laps, I turned on my phone and saw a news about one of my old friends  Billie, apparently her song blew up, I'm happy for her because she worked really hard and she finally had the gratitude she deserves even if she left without any explanation she deserves to be a worldwide singer.

"Guys I have a tattoo appointment, who want to come with me?" I asked and they all said yes.


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